
h40 dn £84.09 11.6 3256340. he V.29 Eine goed me nfl g. MAZs V.29,D ifcite a me guia mitis.e61.n.6. rn 12.¥.13. Refuse Vc50."ple meus frater se forer, o sane f t 13 5.7.18. 5> ty ete BAL Cap.13.v.g0i8 we erefceresfa 89. ia ce 4 6 i ; . 40: Nearh Gas /ummatia refeul Sa 15 V4 31upi fulcebunsfour Sol,tr09.n.a gst. » 29 6n-4.6.303.9 34. f348miRey 9 Vase Lemininegcsignbol querer. 195% we ANZ. yz. 4% [nee avua pretiofa margarita, f, a 65. cas AOFM Gey 1S ee Papelis bic dahi me brnorat, bats 'V.19.nee condaueiiet carirationes le f; © 10st, F.F.6 Le Ph atee Bol a oie 25. 3. , ~ 28. Fiat: “ribi freut vis figgd eter, 3. Cap. 16.v.18.7 es Petrus,c fuper bane pe > ram ed:ficado, £3 267, 3+£.488. M27. Va 9. Tibi dabo claves Reg. Celorum, f. 4 39 SMe 3h 23.Vade poft me Sarana,t 43 3 Hed 5. Woa4.T ollat Cet beans smi xp. | +24, Seguaur me.t. 226 #46. y. -27.Reddet eeleuigue fecundum opera, f, ‘ 322.7.42. Cap. 177-V. 3. Apparuerunt idis Moyfes > Elian£478. Mile visFaciamus Bicetria tabernacola, £.6 3: Wt. 2 Weer : gui primus afenderis le,i-8 5.2. aoe ok 18. v- *Ni efficiamini fie Gut pares is?£8 ofeh he | aVe re per quem eden venit ’ UID 24> ¥ fag 12 oa. Var. $ noth perit muERET f.2 sik +2, f.2 2.3.8 3 Osh 3.4 1.9.7» N, 20.V bi duo res congregati i funti inne. mine meo,f.4.2.M. Lo-f, 3.3 $2.15. ~ Yau Debebat duodesin miliia. talenta,f. 35-19. ihe Sain Fae. camlum per fora. Cap. Ui-¥. 0 2 Siswnbienaenilee » Meng vCensuplim ae p/nicasiy 17%: Nv Capertwir2s cea uve, “maces ‘eifers 2470 V.27.Bece nos religuimis ar 20.¥.14+1 ole quod tui of . ing. T radenteun Nene aM eae rePi 4 V.28.Non venit mie f.2.90,%7.. V.34-7 etigit.oculos cor bas,£.44.n. 18. ivan ee 19. Cap.'2. 2sv68. Qu swore cfieraet dignt,f. 480m: 24. <3 ; Vi 2 Atibeobamubwit, 5 2 sae Vu 3. Misitevekah aa 6. ‘4 =) with wapfs 269, mg he 375 og y Vo1g. Multi /unt vocass, paiicl ws 1 60.%) 27- ; a Capsz'3+¥. 4.Digite aurew fae mtoola tere, {31 Wis 2g. V5 Omnia operasua facia 0 fa Leb 2 4 a6. Vg vobis duces cect ,f. LEE Vi. 037o, Quottes voles congregare, quemadmodi gallina,t.71.16358 Cap 24.¥: 29.808 obfiurabitur, a g V.29.Ssele cadens, t.78.0.00.f.9 § 1529.25 £441.ei geLg 7aat ‘ oa fh J: f, 4 jo”. 43. “ V.29- Ey Luna non-dabit lumen wb Geka 59 70th 3 HHS ° | , a 2 §«v.2,Quingue autem excels aug £1760 56 V.10.Claufulacfifanua, f. 5.7. 194 £24 7G.76 3. Vi18 T ollite abeo talent: mgt ie UTE ikl s 4 V 30) ausilemferoumei in tent ri n. 38-6424 .74 38... i V. 3 2,Separabit eds shinciccioill V3.5 -Stutues.obes quidem a dextri Wh. 3.f. 210-7. 5 -fo2 33 -MI 5 if V.33.Hedos autem a finifiris, £. 39 9. V. 40. meres feciftis uni ex bis fr meis,£.t.42 rof250 7.4263 y. 41 Difcedite a me maledicti in| g num,f.5 Boot. 12 £.45.7.22, fj ’ V.4.6. [bunt bi in Juphicium ater : Bde :