
Su exittde folia aa aS $a3. . ‘ MEGEEB A S5..3) . atey Figs Ofte anima mes, : jeld 2s sk ; a oa } Vito. Non py shcaral comtritio tia, es b53 M.2 6. * HABACYC. 5 a hy Veg Lecerataeft: dex £24 FM 1Ge. eT SOPHONEAS..1 i) ap: Ve Age ne: labitut ceti fet 67.9.2 r aD. 34%. j-Domingsraftus in medio easy f, 9 n.26, Fy Eto G G. EO, | P’ es PY. 6 Seminaftts minktitm, Cp in fi r : Mtl § stot Gr ‘ae ON TP CHAR TAS Le PMes Convertion mi ad me yee pas Pe #.', Ego ero eh: matng IZ HEUS shag 63 gb Gapede,3- Due clio lupe: ibaud £961 48 agos.0 3 “et 4. Ecce ralentien plumbi portabs. Be 3 01 Ge nt iy.v.19.0 pafor Aiiddluen hs 24a . 3s v6. His plagatus jum in aomo 66s 41a. I MALAC Hi A Se 2: V.8-Receffisde via fos 3.0. 398. .. 2 [ple quafi herbafullenum £, 5 54 oT. ae Latin PRIMERS DE LOS MACHABEOS. | Cap.6.Vo46. leit fb, fedeselephanttss, CO F » fappofutt f6 eh, oechdit eiim,t.1 2.6im, ‘7: —ANVEVO TESTA MENTO, —_ SAN MATHEO! ~~: “Ee V2 Lief quinoras ef |hk: 532% n. 3%: Von Vidi mus Stedazg edits fi 17 a elsg a2}. £359.9.10, V+3.7 drbatas off, arms ier Iii, f, PomVfaue dum pene faret ipa ‘ai ate potr 26 2.3 taf. 3709-23, o 4% Wath. Aper tis tbefaaris fs, £2997% a t0. f, ROS + asi ay v5 to.bnignim misieiar,f Ga 4 f edi mea: frimr&. al §.Decet nos ‘implere |omnem inpltiaba, f 5.7.18, Copied ‘Die Ov tapiderif pa . Say : Le oett ‘Be ‘ ae t7. Hie efffling mew ats, foiea A uy |vite ot ae R I ASURiAB: 5 be santa, < V iS Het omnia sibirdabo,hi2.9-714 WG ax op V.10. Dominum Deum tuum adorabas; | MBG read Bs) Rae sig lt eee eM Ca AP FMA 3 Beati pouperes,quonideaiploram eff Regntin Calorum, fx Sen oc M29 be 35 9 Mad FF: 4G6-0.99. 0 08! +7 Vtg os effis Vax wnondi,’.29 6.n. pe ie Virb-Laceapdax vefrat 9 7218S ny V.1 6,Videds*operawe/tta bona, fxr sg. a V..19 Sietulastuus: deater efeandaliza st — ere f,t 28.1027. £182 9-2 5.f. 3.tg i 2. s. V .4§.Solem/uumn facil eeied fepe bane x malos,£.1 44. Bod Fe. F. 30-3 Me \5 Sik Sen. 3. By ENA efciaghurira toa gut Saga extera tua,f,2 50.n, 30. 36 7.maps © 2 th Vb. Glasig ofiooras 3.3621 G9 ne .9th V.9 Pater noffer qui es ia Celis£ S007. f, 335° PSs + hallow shy werd. “Eate vee V.20.F hefaurizate. autem wohist befanre f Calo. f. 245m 16, fla ¢ gemQe ‘f199 He V.21.V bi enim eff thefaurus taus 18, cor,f.247. P22. ERO FM 10: 4weet Cap.7.ver- Nolite iudicare ey armen fudicas minif15 4.0. 38. Txt 29 iv 08 ey fe V2 lingua menfura bevel foerinn an netie= _ burwobis Er Ss Mm adahigl'gua.B> 2 4 a. V6 Negde mittatis margaritas ee a te porces, fia 65. toh \s ana eran < Vag Rpaciofavracs qe duciviad per igi nem +83 Mage, insete Vii gedrta viagae, aaslte ; m2 5.£ 317.15, eer ent ioe: Vig Tntr infeeus axsem unt ig AF; Estye.mih ofan deans 1-34 hee V.23. Nunquam novi vos, £286. nie. Sig Sami fey 7 dileicmicner hear ae » 310.7 30 E586.n, 949 edd. shay V. 20 oe aptem bominis non haber obi y ms warm reelineess. 5980.7. 6 yo a V.22. Morten [unt i: in. aguis, 49 nv, Cap; tov. .6-Siote pradentes ficut Serpentes eg ion 3. 28.6.5 60 Mob del, 528.8 Fe F V2 2 Oui perfew 2 Be eraverit vf ye: in Sinem i v. —" ae adverfus pe a thi Eo ee! a3 i f.60.m, 2.