
a dug £. $601 Fe. venues hae i bi Pins aneeaea be ft. ag 284 mo7 GS wet. Pan: V1'3.Geme' thins fheuka V. 14M anus ills. 4 ” PBR Eye ae V.14.V enter tuus bata: ty ‘ef As 66m ae” Cap 629.SRA Me theus de, ce, lii bor Pone nie vt Cap: Sv. f. 3 . ¥ Heh pb wi eid ue Deirotar tn fora: ss anibane tag 31 3 y. } ibaa d ermal pacts Te Lev LAS WRIA. cepa : BT crutator eff verds, i Aree eit fe a, “f, ip Pee Pada. s me 95. + 7 16, Stimanies iam abies Bee n.8. 4.) 6.Friatir bovis que site £. 7: 7.6 vi LNG prgtereat no's flos te poris,f 34.1.7. 3 V.8. Der nes. ae £8 367.10, f. 3.41. M. 30 27s $792.6. vtants Moat siblecan gtinnemes cum, f.103, M22. “Cap. 3°0.7. i Lipari inime in mani Dei, f, “LO 3-47.2 2 4 | 6 Px it iniguits omnes fily gui naf. 1 fles fant neq tie adverfus pa rentes fv 6,%+6.. whe: PP mnorie praoeupatus fuerit in reLotte f Hos 7,28. Cup: toa inlenfari ig H 17. £166 9.i§ Be 3 . wise os weit. Buys M20» ESz3 3: +, 2937 4 hae vias dif tiles, f, dtr 8. iY Cap. 6. v. Potertes orepter tarmenta 4- "7 £156. #2, pee Wry, ¥ WAST mer. C.8. 0.1, Difpoutt omnia fiaviter| 1200: Mer. Cap.9 v.6.Sapien f tain abil um compu- tabitur, £163 VW. +52 Corpar » animé. £.1 59 #.26£ JB 1, eer Pz vee Porta rig Bile a We, ae 4,7.0, 29.f6329.BBe ees feces i, ‘en armel obabaias 64 Ind jgares. ac £ feritura ie Di inte ribicta” oe ve vet 6 Conta cs f. 60-7 uf f V.3 Ne réefpicias. muliexem mules V.9 Concupifcensia quaft ignis, 63.44 sip eo. Lim fine macsla,§. B2,. (ae. Vv,-3, 3. Bonta'in mala canwer tens) a ga inpbicereeecamanadt oy Sahn ~ a heii an all irk £ v8 Pol: Givi2zt alae i. jovertebarur, fag iO oft on 18 vi4. Digni guidemi £888. £.9:8.m- a3: let gs Css 19.V019. Agnisagua valevat {a _VirtureM,f, 20.1 M6 Oe O i EL ECLESIASTI, Cap, 2 via -Prepara animarn tua tionem £.61 7+ | Via ge a ffolutts corde fog mite Cap 3+v+27. Qui amar prea CULAR RIA Gen oS 4 V.29 Cor nequam grave vir i LBdab hoe! Rly o,% V 33.Elecmofynaref, fis peccatis, a3. Cap. 5. v. 8..Nowtardes comnng? A BUT A SoM Ld ee Vi tie Peccator probatur is.Hes ~fu4.3, 9.0%: LO, a Cap. 6.v. qiaV incdle (Bh Cae \ Fis £438.62 be Cap 7.v.6. Nels quarere fer iy g ther grb 8 7% 635. i V.19.Vindsela carats impi igniss P26 GN Ge. <5 V..36.Pauperi porrige manum, fjis Capg.v.2.Non des matiers poteh metue,f. 37.0. 30.4.1 26906, ta aff 32. n.d. te V.8,Averte fatiemtuam a mulie e f. 33.9.8. f% 32.7.52. Vit. Speciem mulieris alieue mi pte weprohi farti fant ,t3 x a ee v.7. Odibilis coram Deo oft iot uperbiast.t.5 30.32. |. varo nibit eff {celefitus £25. a ‘is Sidhe morictur bom beredita pentes,{.104.0-28, . so Cap.tt.¥.9. Intuaicio pecoantinez ; ; fras,£ 25.12.26, . oe : eke a on Cap.t2.v.3, Non ek enime! . duus eff melis, f 304m. 3" ‘ VigiNefuptipias percasorem,£ 3.4108