
a LESSON THIRTY-FIRST. On the first,and second Commandment Church. __ Q. Which are the chief Command, of the Church? A. The chief Commandments of Church are six: 1. To hear Mass on Sunday and lydays of obligation. 2. Tofast and abstain on the days pointed. : 3. To confess at least once a year, 4. To receive the Holy Eucharist ing the Easter time. 5. Tocontribute to the support of 1 pastors. 6. Not to marry persons who ar Catholics, or who are related to us within fourth degree of kindred, (1) nor private - without witnesses; nor to solemnize marr ge at forbidden times. _ Q. Isit a mortal sin not to hear M on a Sunday or holyday of obligation? — A. Itis a mortal sin not to hear M: on a Sunday ora holyday of obligati unless we are excused for a serious reas i! (1) Natives can marry persons related to within the third and fourth degree of kin