
w= 50s Q. How does a person sin against faith? ") A. A person sins against faith, Ist, » By not trying to know what God has! ® taught; 2d, By refusing to believe all that” | God has taught; 3d, By neglecting to pro. } fess his belief in what God has taught Q. What is presumption? hy A, Presumption is a rash expectatiog = of salvation without making proper use ) of the necessary means to obtain it, _ Q. What is despair? _ A. Despair is the loss of hope in God’s > mercy. LESSON TWENTY-SEVENTH. ae The first Commandment—On the honor and — invocation of Saints. 7 Q. What do we mean by praying to ~ the saints? a i A. By praying to the saints we mean the asking of their help and prayers. a ‘; Q. Why do we pray before the cru cifix and the images and relics of the saints? a A. We pray before the crucifix and the ~ images and relics of the saints because— they enliven our devotion by exciting pious affections and desires, and by remindin - us of Christ and of the saints, that _ may imitate their virtues.