Bombay 14Nov.1854 REFOCUSING ON MGR ANASTASIUS HARTMANN 633 Sum humillimo obsequio et profundissima reverentia Reverendissime, V. [estrae] Paternitatis et V.[estrae] Rev[erendissi]mae Indignus servus t A. Hartmann Cap. Vic.[arius] Apo.[sto]l.~cus] DOCUMENT IV 11 A letter in English addressed to Fr Irenaeus of St Theresa OCD and which the addressee copied out and sent to his confrere Fr Andrew of Bordeaux OCD in Rome, with a covering letter with the date-line "Bombay, Chiesa di N.S. de Carmelo, il lunedi della Settimana Santa, 2- di Aprile 1855". Bombay 22 nd December 1854 My dear Revd Father, You requested me through the Revd Fr Peniston 12 what my intention now is about you. My dear Revd Fr Irenaeus - you are absolutely determined to go to Europe. I wrote you how much you are required in the Malabar and that I received the repeated order to direct all the Missionaries to the Mala– bar. Your reasons are there. You can return to Europe in full conscience. I therefore no longer interfere in the matter. But either you go to the Malabar or to Europe, my opinion is that being now released from your pastoral du– ties in this Vicariate, you should not much delay your going either to the Malabar or to Europe. 11 AGCarm, GranMogu/268-d. I have the honour to be your humble servant, A. Hartmann, V.[icar] A.[postolic] 12 Jacob Peniston (Penniston) SJ (1809-1856), then a missionary in the Vicariate of Bombay
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