
34 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA 13. La gracia, misterio de libertad. El ''Sobrenatural" en el Beato Escoto y en la Escuela Franciscana (Bibliotheca seraphico-capuccina, 52), lstituto Storico dei Cappuccini, Roma 1997, 397 p. 14. Sacramentalidad en la salvacion del hombre, and Antropologia teologica: creacion, pecado, gracia, escatologia, in Manual de Teologiaftanciscana, coordinado– res: JA. Merino y F. Martinez Fresneda, equipo de autores: Bernardino de Arme– llada et al. (Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos), Madrid 2003, 323-363 and 365- 414. 15. Lorenzo de Brindis (San), Marial. Maria de Nazaret, "Virgen de la Pleni– tud", traducci6n del ladn por A. Guzman Sancho y Bernardino de Armellada, introducci6n, notas y revision por Bernardino de Armellada (BAC, 645), Madrid 2004, XXXVIII+692 p. 16. Duns Scotus voftantiskanskej spiritualite, Bratislava 2005, 110 p. II It is in place here to make an observation on the articles that Bernardino has been writing for popular magazines like Evangelio y Vida. The first of such articles appeared a full half a century ago and was entitled iC6mo es Dios?, in Evangelio y Vida 1\2 (1959), 10-12. His short write-ups with captivating titles and a reader– friendly style have for decades given Bernardino access to various categories of people. In this way he has been getting his message across to his readers. The fact that he was personally involved in the founding of the magazine implies that a clear-cut design underpinned both the publication and its contents. If the books published by Bernardino are to a great extent indicative of the concrete environment in which he then worked, the same may be affirmed with even greater emphasis regarding his scientific articles. These articles were predom– inately focused on Franciscan thought and spirituality. 1. Simbolismo metaflsico y voluntarismo en la espiritualidad ftanciscana, in NyG2 (1955) 81-106. 2. Ontologia sobrenatural en Emilio Mersch, S.J, inNyG 5 (1958) 107-116.