
BERNARDINO DE ARMELLADA: A BIO-BIBLIOGRAPHY 33 The publication of a new Spanish version of the New Testament, with the Gospel according to Mark translated by Bernardino de Armellada, too formed part of the pastoral programme of the aggi,ornamento then in course in the Spanish Church. 9. Evangelio de S. Marcos (traducido por Bernardino de Armellada), in Nuevo Testamento, Difusora Biblica, Madrid 1967. With the shifting of the scene of Bernardino's activities from his native region of Castile to the Eternal City of Rome in 1985, his academic focus too naturally got altered from the pastoral field to the academic one. The booklet published after his joining the Historical Institute in 1990 is dedicated to the poetic echoes of Bonaventure's Collationes in Hexae'meron and is a veritable witness to his genius for intellectual pursuit. He is not only able to penetrate into the subtleties of the Seraphic Doctor but is also capable of rendering them into pleasingly rhythmical language for the ordinary mortals. 10. Ecos poeticos de las 'Collationes in Hexae'meron ', lstituto Storico dei Cap– puccini, Roma 1992, 16 p. At long last he is now able to dedicate himself exclusively to the thinkers of the Franciscan Family, his preferred area of research. At the Historical Institute he finds himself flanked by the internationally celebrated Scotist scholar Camille Berube, OFM Cap. (1909-2007). Doctrinally, his works published hereafter take a more pronounced Franciscan stamp. 11. Opere di San Bonaventura, VI/ 1: Sermoni teologici/l: Collationes in He– xae'meron, edizione latino-italiana, trad. di P. Maranesi, introduzione, revisione e note di Bernardino de Armellada, Citta Nuova Editrice, Roma 1994, 467 p. 12. Opere di San Bonaventura, Vl/2: Sermoni teologici/2: Collazioni sui dieci precetti, Collazioni sui sette doni dello Spirito Santo, Il Regno di Dio, Cristo, unico Maestro di tutti, edizione latino-italiana, trad. di P. Maranesi, R. Russo, A. Sten– dardi, introduzione, revisione e note a cura di Bernardino de Armellada, indici di J.G. Bougerol, CittaNuovaEditrice, Roma 1995, 399 p.