
32 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA extract ofhis doctoral dissertation Elproblema del sobrenatural en los teologosfran– ciscanos de los siglos XVI y XVII, done at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, in 1957. l. Dos teologos franciscanos - Liqueto y Rada - ante el problema del sobrena– tural, (Excerpta ex dissertatione ad Lauream in Facultate Theologica Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae), Madrid 1959, 67 p. The theological formation Bernardino received in Salamanca (licentiate, 1955) and Rome (doctorate, 1957) in the years preceding the Vatican Council II was to equip him to subsequently imbibe the Conciliar mindset and communicate it in the pastoral field, as the following seven books of his go to show. These were books to serve as basic texts for Christian formation. The very fact that these textbooks have had several editions within such a short period of time is indicative of the wide acceptance and respect they came to command in the educational institutions. It was indeed on his own home turf that he won the test ofhis mettle. 2. La vida sobrenatural. Texto de "Formacion Religiosa" para el 2° curso de "Aprendizaje Industrial", Editorial "Everest", Le6n 1962, (9 th ed. 1971), 127 p. 3. El Dogma. Texto de "Formacion Religiosa"para el 3er. curso de "Aprendizaje Industrial", Editorial "Everest", Le6n 1962, (9 th ed. 1975), 128 p. 4. Vida de ]esucristo. Texto de ''Religion" para el ler. curso de ''Maestria In– dustrial", Editorial "Everest", Le6n 1963, 95 p. 5.]esucristo segun los Evangelios. Texto de ''Religion" para el 2° curso de Ba– chillerato, Editorial "Everest", Le6n 1963, (5 th ed. 1968) 159 p. 6. La doctrina deJesucristo. Texto de ''Religion"para el 4° curso de Bachillerato, Editorial "Everest", Le6n 1965 (3 rd ed. 1967), 176 p. 7. El dogma catolico. Texto de "Religion"para el 6° curso de Bachillerato, Edi– torial "Everest", Le6n 1965 (7'h ed. 1972), 207 p. 8.jesucristo presente en la Iglesia. Texto de ''Religion"para el curso 2° de Bachi– llerato, Editorial "Everest", Le6n 1969 (6 th ed. s/a), 173 p.