
BERNARDINO DE ARMELLADA OFM CAP: A BIO-BIBLIOGRAPHY by BENEDICT V ADAKKEKARA A close reading ofJ. .A. Echeverda's interview, Conversacion con el P. Bernar– dino de Armellada, theologo capuchino brought out in the present Festschrift (p. 11-28), casts light on several aspects of the life and personality of this Castilian friar. Without a doubt his numerous publications can be viewed as his contribu– tion towards the progression of theological reflection, thanks to which he rightly merits the title theologo capuchino. Be that as it may, it needs to be said at the outset itself that a list of his theological works chronologically ordered alone does not do full justice to his life at the service of theology and its communication. This explains why an attempt is made here to profile instead a bio-bibliography of Bernardino de Armellada. The bibliographical section is not intended to be ex– haustive as its primary scope is to spotlight the scientific aspect of his theological investigations. For example, his articles totalling nearly 180 that have already seen the light of day in the Evangelio y Vida or those published in ElMensajero Serdfico do not find mention here precisely because they are more of a popular nature. As a matter of fact ever since its inception in 1959, except for a short spell, the bi– monthly Evangelio y Vida has been effectively functioning as a vehicle for his short, clear and insightful theological reflection on relevant issues. He still con– tinues his column in the bimonthly even as he crosses the threshold of the number ofyears allotted to those "with good health" (Ps 90,10). I It is appropriate to begin the bio-bibliography with a list of the 16 books he has brought out in his capacity as author\coauthor\editor. The first of these is the