
BERNARDINO DE ARMELLADA: ABIO-BIBLIOGRAPHY 47 31. La familia y el dolor amoroso de Maria. Vision desde los teologosftancisca– nos, at the 58 th Marian Study Week (Barcelona, 26-29 September 2006). 32. La Madonna negli scritti del Molinari: dottrina, devozione e culto, at the International Congress on the occasion of the 3 rd Anniversary of the Birth of Nicola Molinari da Lagonegro (Salerno, 8-10 March 2007). 33. Teologia de la Aparicion de la Virgen Maria en traje de 'Pastora', at the International Mariological Congress "Les Apparitions de la Bienheureuse Vierge Marie. Entre Histoire, Foi et Theologie", (Lourdes, 4-8 September 2008). 34. L 'alterita assoluta di Dio nella metafisica di Duns Scoto, at the Inter– national Colloquium "«Pro statu isto»: l'appello dell'uomo all'infinito", on the 7 th Centennial of the death of] ohn Duns Scotus (Milan, 7-8 November 2008). IV Teaching has always been dear to Bernardino's heart. He began his teaching career at the Capuchin Study House of Le6n. He taught the younger friars of his province dogmatic theology (1957-72). During this period he also taught at the Diocesan Seminary of Le6n (1969-71) and at the Theological Institute of "Gau– dium et Spes" of Salamanca (1971-72). On being transferred to the coastal industrial town of Gij6n in 1975, he taught religion at the National College of "Heroes del Simancas" (1975-84) and at the "Politecnico Asturiano" College (1975-78). In 1985 he was transferred to Collegio San Lorenzo, Rome, where he assumed his teaching responsibility at the Pontifical Athenaeum "Antonianum" (today a Pontifical University). It is going to be twenty-five long years since he has been on the staffof the Antonianum. The courses he has been offering at the Antonianum revolves around Mariology, Mary in Franciscan spirituality, Nature and grace in the Franciscan tradition, Franciscan spirituality in Blessed John Duns Scotus, Christocentric spirituality in Franciscan Masters, St Bonaventure as master of spiritual life, and Christ Crucified: God-Man in Bonaventure. Besides these courses, he has guided five doctoral and fourteen licentiate dissertations and has been on other eleven doctoral and fourteen licentiate commissions, including those at the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Pontifical Theological Faculty ofSeraphicum.