
44 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA III This section devotes itself to offering a select list of the papers that Bernar– dino de Armellada has been presenting since 1960 at various symposia. And it goes without saying that these lectures were published in instances where the acts of the symposia have been brought out. The selection of the tides has been made precisely on the merit of the scientific quality of the conferences. While initially most of the papers were delivered in his native Spain, later on the symposia in which he takes part have more of an international character. I. Solucirfn existencial al problema de! sobrenatural: doctrina de los PP. Rabner y Malevez, at "XX Semana Espafiola de Teologfa" (Madrid, September 1960). 2. Maria en la predicacirfn de la Iglesia, at "Congreso sobre el Apostolado de la Predicaci6n - Franciscanos Capuchinos de Castilla" (Madrid 1962). 3. Teologia biblica de! Espiscopado, at "XXlI Semana Espafiola de Teologfa" (Madrid, September 1962). 4. La espiritualidad unitaria en el apostolado paulino, remedio de !as tendencias actuales, at "XVI Semana Espafiola de Misionologfa" (Burgos, August 1963). S. El problema de! sobrenatural en la escuela escotista de! siglo XVII, at "Inter– national Scotist Congress II" (Oxford and Edinburgh, 11-17 September 1966). 6. El Espiscopado como plenitud del sacerdocio ministerial segun la "Lumen gen– tium ': at "XXVI Semana Espafiola de Teologfa", (Madrid, 19-24 September 1966). 7. Va/ores especificos de la vocacion religiosa, at "Jornadas sobre la Vocaci6n religiosa" (Madrid, February 1968). 8. Trascendencia divina y voluntarismo, at "International Scotist Congress III" (Vienna, 1970). 9. Simbolismo metaflsico y espiritualidad en San Buenaventura, at the "Inter– national Congress on the Centenary VII of the death of St Bonaventure" (Rome, September 1974).