
312 BENEDICTVADAKKEKARA this disposition of nature and of trying to augment their external beauty by taking recourse to dyes, colours and wigs. He then adds in a lighter vein: "I wonder will this insanity reach the point where women will one day want to adorn themselves with false beards as well as false hair?" 26 • The present English translation of the Opera omnia may be considered as a veritable tribute to St Lawrence of Brindisi on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of his declaration as Doctor of the Church. It is indeed a valuable work to add to the library of theology houses and other centres of religious formation. Lawrence's sermons to a great extent prove to be a mirror image of the wide society in which he lived and ministered. A comprehensive examination ofhis homilies in view ofhis ca– nonisation led the members ofthe investigative commission to comment: "Lawrence could really be counted among the Holy Fathers" 27 • The decree of the Congregation ofRites conferring the title ofDoctor of the Church to St Lawrence ofBrindisi aptly sums up his lifework: With his apostolic activity as much efficacious as extensive, with extraordinary doctrine both appropriate and opportune, he shone in the midst ofthe Church like a very bright light, showed the flock the treasure offaith, dispelled the darkness of errors, illumined the obscure things, clarified doubts, and explained the problems of the Scriptures in such a way that he can be called ''Apostolic Doctor" 28 • While heartily commending the translator and the publishers for bringing out this English translation of the homilies of St Lawrence of Brindisi, one wishes that the remaining volumes too of the original Latin Opera omnia see the light of day in English. It is also highly desirable that a supplementary volume of indices of names, subjects, places and scriptural references be published in order to facilitate the work of students and researchers. It will serve as a very useful research instrument for del– ving into this Complete Works of the Apostolic Doctor. 26 Lawrence ofBrindisi, Opera omnia, Bk II, 462-463. 27 Bernardino de Armellada, lntroduccion, in Lorenzo de Brindis, Maria!, XII. 28 For the text ofthe decree, see Analecta OFM Cap. 75 (1959) 74-75.