
BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA MESOAMERJCA AND EARLY MISSIONARY ACTIVITIES OF FRANCISCANS In its new Series "Franciscan Publications in Nahuatl" the "Publications of the Academy of American Franciscan History" has brought out its first three volumes, on the work of implanting locally the Gospel in the socio~cultural reality of Mexico. Their being monographs notwithstanding, thematically these volumes are intertwined and go a long way towards highlighting the overall mi– lieu of Mexico which would become the scene of the trailblazing evangelising activities of scores of Friars Minor Observant. At the outset itself it needs to be said that the publication series, commenced in 2001, maintains its high editorial quality. Short introductions that are to the point and illuminating, explanatory footnotes, bibliographies and meticulously prepared indices no doubt add class to the series. 1. Dr Schwaller 1 introduces his guide to the Nahuatl MSS in the US re– positories by retracing the genesis of his research in the area: "This work began long ago, when I was first a graduate student at Indiana University studying Nahuatl with R. Joe Campbell" (XI p.). This life-work of his which has already seen the light of day piecemeal in the journal Estudios de Cultura Nahuatl, is now made available to the wide public in the form of this handy book. The contents are grouped together in two parts. The first part (1-58) identifies the 19 MSS repositories in the US and gives brief introductions to them. The second part (59-17(:i) is dedicated to cataloguing the MSS and to providing much useful in– formation on them. This section includes also Bibliograpf?y, Calendar ef Manu– scripts,· Categories ef Manuscripts and General index to materials. It goes without saying that several works intended for religious instruction in the indigenous tongue, 1 John Frederick Schwaller, A guide to Nahuatl Language Manuscripts held in United States repositories. (Publications of the Academy ofAmerican Franciscan History. Franciscan Publications in Nahuatl Series, 1). USA - CA 94709-1208 Berkeley [1712 Euclid Street], Academy ofAmerican Franciscan History, 2001. 26 cm., XII+176 p. ISBN 0-88382-300-4 Coll. Franc. 74 (2004) 257-268