
CAPUCHIN GENERAL MINISTER PACIFICUS CARLETTI OF SEGGIANO 545 the construction of the church of St Lawrence of Brindisi found positive response and solidarity from the fraternities of the Third Order. Thus the six-year mandate of Fr Pacifi.cus as general Minister of the Capuchin Order not only witnessed the realisation ofa series ofprojects with long-term prospects but also became occasions for creating and maintaining rapport with the members of the Third Order and the ordinary faithful, a feature that would characterise the Capuchin Order through much of the twentieth century. SUMMARY: The occurrence on 22 October 2014 of the first centenary of the death of the Capuchin general Minister and bishop, Fr Pacificus Carletti of Seggiano, occasions the present study. The six-year period of his office as general Minister (1908-1914) saw the establishment of the Order's International College Rome (1908), the renewal of the Con– stitutions (1909), creation of a new spirit of equality and fraternity among the three first Orders of the Minorite family (1909), the reopening of the Museo Francescano (1913), the foundation of the mission magazine IlMassaia and the spread ofthe missionary spirit in the provinces and the Franciscan Tertiaries (1914). Though he died before he could be formally installed as the Bishop ofAlbenga (1914), the long-term effects of his decisions have had a determining effect on the life and history ofthe Capuchin Order. KEYWORDS: Pacificus ofSeggiano -Apostolic preacher - Capuchin general Minister - Renewal of Capuchin constitutions - establishment of International College in Rome - Launching of IlMassaia - Bishop ofAlbenga