
544 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA Carletti Pacificus to be luckier in research and to be able to shed some light on the gray area, which seems to drape his death" 115 • Despite the lingering mistiness that surrounds Mgr Carletti's death and the brevity of his episcopacy that brusquely cancelled out all the pastoral projects and administrative programmes he had drawn up, Pacificus' foresighted decisions and the policies implemented during the six years of dedicated service as the general Minister of the Capuchins do assign him a significant place in the history of the Order. Steering clear of all polemics and pre-empting every ideological polarisation among the friars, he was able to have the constitutions of his Order renewed to the general satisfaction of the friars. The promulgation of the revised constitutions of 1909 does represent a watershed event in the history of the Capuchin Order. That the period of his administration of the Capuchin Order also saw the ringing down ofthe curtain on the internecine squabbles in the bosom ofthe large Minorite family regarding the question of preeminence of one or the other Order is a fact for which the credit goes to the whole Franciscan movement. In retrospect one may say that the International Seraphic College established in Rome by Fr Pacificus of Seggiano under the instruction of Pope Pius X was to make a major contribution towards building up more distinctiveness and cohesion among the Capuchins, especially when the Order was poised for expanding beyond the confines ofEurope into other continents. The lectors in the centres offormation were to turn out to be effective vehicles of the culture, values and formation pattern inculcated in them at the International College in Rome. They would be valuable instruments for creating more homogeneity and better unity in the entire Order. It is, therefore, no coincidence that the major part of the Order's administrators and scholars would be ex-alumni of the college. The Museo Francescano resurrected from the limbo would soon overcome its growing pains and get consolidated both in the quality and quantity of its collections. The mission magazine IlMassaia not only created a greater awareness ofthe Or– der's missionary commitments among the friars, but also became an instrument for linking the Order with the Catholic faithful in general. The magazine was effectively instrumental in spreading the missionary spirit among the faithful. The fruit of their sacrifice and generosity would be channelized into the worldwide missionary activ– ities of the Capuchin friars. The Seraphic Mass Association came to be promoted throughout the Order, thanks to the inventiveness of Fr Pacificus. In much the same way the Order's initiatives like the establishment of the International College and 115 APCapTusc, Carlini.Lamorte di mons. Pacifico Carletti, 8.