
542 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA 6. Abrupt and hazy End to a Promising Start There is no gainsaying the fact that the execution of the mandate entrusted by the Holy See and the general Chapter consumed much of Fr Pacificus' time, energy and attention. This notwithstanding, visiting the friars in their provinces, writing letters to the Order in general and to the individual provinces in particular, and other responsibilities like overseeing the administration of the missions went ahead routinely. Dr Ferri speaks ofthe visits the general Minister made to distant provinces together with his secretary Fr Paulinus Tribbioli, who was well-versed in English 109 • Anticipating the conclusion of their six-year mandate, the general Minister and his definitory unanimously decided on 28 November 1913 to hold the gen– eral Chapter on 18-19 May 1914. The letter of convocation is dated Christmas of 1913. Thus Fr Pacificus of Seggiano finished his mandate on 18 May 2014 and on 1 August 1914 he was appointed to "the glorious see ofAlbenga which includes St Benedict Revelli [Benedict ofTaggia t 900], Cardinals Fieschi [presumably Sinibald Fieschi, on 25 June 1243 elected as pope with regnal name Innocent IV], De Med– ici [Julius de' Medici resigned in 1518], Alimonda [Gaetanus, resigned in 1879]" among its bishops 110 • Fr Pacificus' episcopal ordination took place in the church of St Lawrence ofBrindisi, Rome, on 13 September 2014, with CardinalJanuarius Pig– natelli Granito of Belmonte (1851-1948) as presiding celebrant and the Capuchin bishops Paul Tei ofPesaro (1840-1916) and Paulinus Tribioli oflmola (1868-1956) as assistants. His solemn installation as Bishop ofAlbenga was scheduled for 8 De– cember 1914 111 • Fr Giacomo Carlini, the archivist of the Capuchin Province of Tuscany, has been able to reconstruct chronologically the last days of the newly-ordained bishop 109 Ferri, Il martirio della pazienza, 61-62: ''.Al seguito di entrambi i superiori padre Pao– lino visita diverse province monastiche in tutta Europa ed anche in Australia...". Fr Bernard of Andermatt had appointed Fr Paulinus Tribbioli as one of the secretaries precisely because of his fluency in English. He had earlier served in the Indian Mission ofAgra. On his election as general Minister, Fr Paciflcus chose Paulinus, a confrere ofhis religious province ofTuscany, as the Order's general secretary. 110 APCapTusc, A. Giorgi, Ni nlenni suffeagi celebrati in Seggiano per Sua Ecclelenza Rev. ma Mons. Fr. Pacifico Carletti dei Minori Cappuccini Vescovo di Albenga nel trigesimo dalla morte ai.XXI novembre MCMXIV, 8. lll APCapTusc, Giorgi, Ne' solenni sujfragi celebrati in Seggiano, 8: "Mentre si preparava a farvi l'ingesso 1'8 del prossimo dicembre, in mezzo alla gioia ed alle festose acclamazioni dei novelli suoi flgli, un male insidioso ed improvviso ne mino la cara esistenza".