
CAPUCHIN GENERAL MINISTER PACIFICUS CARLETTI OF SEGGIANO 539 The periodical was named after the reputed Capuchin missionary Cardinal Massaia (1809-1889) 99 • The untold sufferings, audacious travels and heroic perse– verance of the Late Cardinal William Massaia were still green in the minds of the friars and the faithful particularly of Italy, and so the namesake magazine IlMassaia was expected immediately to strike a chord with them. Then to make this publication more acceptable to all and, as one is wont to say, appeal– ing even to the sons of the world, we have decided that it be published from our Friary ofFrascati, at the tomb and under the protection of our Most Eminent Cardinal Wil– liamMassaia, who, in his long thirty-five years ofapostolate in the Upper Ethiopia was a model and exemplar for every true Missionary. Indeed we have decided to embellish the said publication with the figure of this apostle ofAfrica by naming it: IL MASSAIA, Bolletino delle Missioni Estere dei Minori Cappuccini 100 • The general Minister then invited the friars and especially the superiors and the directors of the Third Order to be more zealous in promoting the Seraphic Mass Association "for helping the foreign missions of the Friars Minor Capuchin and es– tablished in Luzern by our venerable predecessor and which our Holy Father Pius X enriched even recently with innumerable privileges". He warmly appealed to the missionaries to enrich this mission magazine with their reports and other write-ups about their various missionary activities. "We also urge you to disseminate widely the said periodical of our missions among our Tertiaries and the people, so that all 99 Pacificus ofSeggiano,Acta Ordinis, in Analecta OFMCap 29 (1913) 334, writes, quoting from his own letter of 29 November 1909 issued on the occasion of the Franciscan centenary: "E se, come giova sperarlo, ... i nostri giovani crescendo nella pieta e nella scienza s'ispireranno imitandoli a quei due grandi italiani S. Francesco di Assisi ed il Cardinale Guglielmo Massaia (nel cui nome anche una volta insieme all'Ordine nostro esultarono giulive la Chiesa e !'Italia), diven– teranno e si conserveranno veri Apostoli di civilta, maestri ed educatori dei popoli, benefettori dei fratelli, onore e vanro della propria nazione~ 100 Pacificus ofSeggiano,Acta Ordinis, in Analecta OFMCap 29 (1913) 339. The first issue, dated January 1914, consisted of32 pages and the inside ofits front cover makes mention ofdo– nations ofLire 20 and Lire SO in favour of the periodical received from the provincial Ministers ofAlexandria and Florence respectively. The magazine was in print till December 1960 under the title JlMassaia, and from January 1961 it comes out as Continenti. Today Pacificus' commenda– tion ofMassaiamay not to find many takers, as latter-day studies on Cardinal Massaia have dented his image as a model missionary. See D. Crummey, Priests andpoliticians. Protestant and Catholic Missions in Orthodox Ethiopia 1830-1868 ( Oxford Studies in African Affairs), Oxford 1972, 59- 91; T. Abraha,Abuna Salama IIImetropolita copto in Etiopia (1841-11867), in GuglielmoMassa– ja. 1809-2009. Missionario cappuccino eVicario apostolico in Etiopia. Atti del Convegno celebrato nel Collegio lnternazionale di San Lorenzo da Brindisi (Roma, 9-10 giugno 2009), a cura di W Block, Roma 2009, 57-112.