
534 BENEDICTVADAKKEKARA Another novelty of the revised constitutions of 1909 was their two Appendices. The first Appendix consisted of two sections entitled Instructio de quibusdam pieta– tis Exercitiis and Instructio de cautelis in retinenda et contrectanda pecunia servandis, iuxtaJacultatum et concessionum apostolicarum normas. The first section concludes with the words: "Finally we command that this Instruction together with the fol– lowing be always read every time the constitutions are read". In his letter presenting the draft of the revised constitutions to the pope, the general Minister justifies the creation of these two Appendices. The commission deemed it opportune to add the two sections as appendices "in order to preserve the same mark of identity and their original physiognomy". Besides, it would have been difficult to have those subjects integrated thematically into the main body of the constitutions 85 . The second Instruction is subdivided into five numbered paragraphs and the concluding subsection specifies the rationale behind the document: "These are the faculties and the norms about handling money, formulated on the request of the general Minister, and which the Holy See communicates for a more efficient admin– istration and peace ofconscience of the Order's Superiors, and because they can bet– ter provide for their subjects without offending the vow of poverty, or violating the Rule" 86 . But the secondAppendix, De Privilegiis et Exemptionibus (321-328) proved to be a bone of contention among the friars. Some even questioned the legitimacy of these provisions on privileges and exceptions accorded to certain categories of fri– ars87. The subsequent revision of the constitutions (1925) would, as a matter offact, erase both the appendices as well as the entire subject of exemptions and privileges. These would no longer find their place in the Capuchin constitutions. At a single stroke they would be erased from the constitutions through a bold and articulated declaration 88 . 85 Pacificus ofSeggiano, Epistola de Constitutionum revisione, 194-195. 86 Appendix, 319. 87 AGC, EB 1908-1909, Depraecedentia. 1908, has a five-page unsigned typewritten docu– ment that discusses the whole issue and concludes with the statement: "L'Appendice II. Ha tutta l'autorita per far parte della nostra legislazione con forza obbligatoria in tutto cio che none con– trario alle Costituzioni ed alle Ordinazioni dei Capitoli o Definitorii Generali". 88 Regula et Testamentum Seaphici Patris S. Francisci et Constitutiones Fraterum Minorum Capuccinorum, 3, in Constitutiones Ordinis Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum saeculorum decursu promulgatae 364: "Praeterea, quum seraphici Patris Francisci, imo ipsius Christi Redemptoris no– stri voluntas fuerit, ut Regula simpliciter, ad litteram et sine glossa observaretur, prout iampridem earn observarunt ipsi primi nostri Patres, idcirco iterum et in perpetuum privilegiis omnibus et glossis renuntiamus, quae illam relaxant et a pura eius observantia avertunt atque a pia, iusta et sancta mente Christi, qui per sanctum Franciscum loquebatur, divellunt...".