
CAPUCHIN GENERAL MINISTERPACIFICUS CARLETTI OF SEGGIANO 531 worthy that in his communications to the Order Fr Pacifi.cus of Seggiano had been harping on the fact that the revision of the constitutions was being done under the instruction of the pope and that the text then in use was not being changed but was being quaenam supprimenda, modificanda, addenda. He had in fact his finger on the pulse of the friars. This attitude of his is strikingly in contrast with that of his pre– decessor, Fr Bernard ofAndermatt, who had kept on insisting that the commission should work on the text that he himself had prepared. This may perhaps explain the stiff resistance of the majority of the commission towards the draft produced by Bernard ofAndermatt. The general Minister communicated to the Order that the mind and will of the Supreme Pontiffhad been unambiguously made known to the Chapter through the Cardinal Protector, and that it needed no further commentary. He described the work of the commission as being the one ofmaintaining the form and the sub– stance of the constitutions, which, through nearly three centuries had been guiding the Order. The commission had, therefore, been working on the original Italian text and has merely suppressed, modified and added things that the changed time and circumstances have demanded. It was incumbent upon the commission to integrate into the text of the constitutions the decrees of the Holy See and the decisions of the Order's Chapters. The list of the ten norms given by the pope to the Cardinal Protector during the audience granted to him on 21 may 1908 were also being pub– lished by way of explaining to the friars the various changes brought about in the constitutions 76 • At the same time the commission was taking pains to ready the Latin version also and to have it submitted to the pope along with the Italian original. These documents were accordingly presented to the Supreme Pontiff, who "had reserved to himself the special right" of studying the revised constitutions and ap– proving them 77 • Pope Pius X not only approved the constitutions but also promul– gated a list often norms that in future the superiors had to abide by in their work of administration 78 •· The pope speaks of the revision and approval of the Order's con- 76 Notificatio, in Analecta OFMCap 25 (1909) 113. 77 Notificatio, in Analecta OFMCap 25 (1909) 113. A. Ferri, Il martirio della pazienza. Mons. Paolino Giovanni Tribbioli vescovo di Imola dal 1913 al 1956 (Pubblicazioni dell'Archivio diocesano di Imola. Serie Documenti e Studi, 11), Imola 2013, 61, speaks ofthe role ofFr Paulinus John Tribbioli, a former missionary of the Indian mission ofAgra and would-be bishop oflmola in Italy, in getting the text ofthe Constitutions primed. 78 These norms were approved in the course of the audience granted to Cardinal Agliardi, the Protector ofthe Order, on 21 May 1908.