
528 BENEDICTVADAKKEKARA chapters. Some of these chapters clearly mirror the practical experiences acquired in running an international college for three years. No. 7 of the Statutes warns the staff and the students against the temptation to idealise the traditions of one's own province or nation and consequently to look down upon those ofone's confreres. In much the same way no. 23 and 24 disallow the possibility ofstudents changing their faculties or universities or frequenting other academic centres, once their areas of specialisation have been approved by the general Minister 68 • The establishment of the International College of St Lawrence of Brindisi is seen as the greatest ofPacificus' contributions to the Order 69 • When drawing up the balance sheet ofhis six-year mandate as general Minister, Fr Pacificus viewed the es– tablishment ofthe college from the perspective ofits role and function in the Order's history. Without a doubt the College would be serving the Order down through the decades as a convenient house for holding the general Chapters and other assem– blies. But what was of paramount importance to the Order was that in its Interna– tional College the young friars from the various provinces who represent the Order's future, would be continuously receiving in the College a religiously and doctrinally sound formation and through them the identity of the Order would get reinforced in the bond offraternal unity, charity and oneness in shared commitment 70 • the College became Collegium lnternationale S. Laurentii a Brundusio and the General House became the General Curia of the Capuchin Order. 68 Statuta peculiaria pro Collegio Seraphico S. Laurentii Brundsini de Urbe, in Analecta OFMCap 27 (1911) 372-373. 69 APCapTuse, [Sisto da Pisa], Necrologia deiJrati minori Cappuccini della Provincia toscana IV: dal 12Jebbraio 1904al26giugno 1919, No. 552,220: "Macia chelo reseveramente illustre e gli assicuro un nome tra' suoi antecessori, e il grandioso Collegio di San Lorenzo da Brindisi, desti– nato ad accogliere i candidati alle Missioni ed al piu alto magistero nell'Ordine, impresa al certo, da sgomentare, ai nostri giorni, l'animo piu ardimentoso ed invitto. Eppure, egli ne giunse a capo e con una spesa relativamente mite; vi fece la chiesa, spettabile, nel suo genere, in Roma; l'arricch1 di splendida biblioteca, e gli assegno, con ampli restauri il convento di Frascati, come luogo di ricreazione nei mesi delle vacanze. Ne gli basto tutto questo; ma volle che il Collegio stesso fosse eretto in ente morale, e ne ottenne il riconoscimento dalla Maesta di re Vittorio Emmanuele III, quando incombrava pur sempre su tutti i conventi, la legge di soppressione". 70 Paciflcus of Seggiano, Relatio, in Analecta OFMCap 29 (1914) 171: "lnsignes in pri– mis, Venerandi Patres, sint aeterno Deo grates, qui Majorum nostrorum vota exaudiens perama– tissimo Ordini nostro concessit peculiare munus erigendi hoe Missionum Collegium, quo non tantum omnes Capitulares commode hospitio recipere ac generalia comitia celebrare datur, sed et quod magis interest ad instar sacri ignis, seraphicus spiritus, una cum sana doctrina servatur, alitur, nutritur, fovetur nostraeque dilectae juventuti communicatur, ac per Collegii alumnus in omnes diffunditur Provincias quae ita omnium maximo emolumento ac Ordinis decore magis in