
CAPUCHIN GENERAL MINISTER PACIFICUS CARLETTI OF SEGGIANO 527 friars ..., on your conduct depends the right or the wrong solution to the posed prob– lem"64. The general Minister then promised to accompany the staffand the students of the college to a private audience with the pope. The promised audience with the pope materialised on 13 July 1911. The pope warmly welcomed the friars and used the occasion to thank the Capuchin friars, es– pecially "all those who labour zealously in the missions, those who with their exam– ple or words are a comfort to the Christian people". And addressing the young friars before him, he added, "In a particular way We congratulate the young Capuchins on the good results achieved in their studies, knowing that the Seraphic College is among those that distinguish themselves most for discipline, benevolence and science"65. By the end ofOctober 1911 the new building constructed adjacent to the Cap– uchin General Curia on Via Boncompagni was ready to accommodate the Capu– chin students. The new Seraphic international college was solemnly blessed by the Capuchin Cardinal Vives y Tut6, following the Rituale Romano-Seraphicum, on 1 November 1911, the All Saints' Day. The dignitaries who graced the occasion in– cluded the two missionary bishops Petronius Gramigna of Allahabad, India, and Philip Pressuti, the Apostolic Vicar of the Vicariate ofArabia, underscoring by their presence the missionary orientation of the college. The general Minister profusely thanked especially those who had contributed towards the concretisation ofthe new college building and reaffirmed his hope in the students. The students had been spending their summer vacation in the Friary of Frascati, on the outskirts of Rome and they now joyfully moved into their new quarters. The rector of the college was Fr Charles of Castel del Piano of the province of Tuscany and Joseph Anthony of Persiceto of the province ofBologna was the vice rector and prefect ofstudies 66 . The general superiors had come to the conclusion that the transfer of the col– lege into a suitable building also called for a renewal of the statutes of the Inter– national Seraphic College 67 • The revised text of the Statutes consisted of ten short 64 De Collegio Seraphico Internationali durante anno scholastico 1910-1911, 226. 65 De Collegio Seraphico Internationali durante anno scholastico 1910-1911, 228. 66 Benedictio novae domus Collegii Seraphici Internationalis de Urbe, in Analecta OFMCap 27 (1911) 372-373. 67 "Datum Romae, ex Collegio S. Laurentii a Brundusio" is the way the general Minister used to sign his official letters like the one convoking the general Chapter. The church of the new curia was dedicated to the Order's famous general Minister St Lawrence of Brindisi. But once the Seraphic International College was moved from St Fidelis College into the compound of the General House and the General House was formally brought under the legal protection of the College, it lost its legal identity. The College became Collegium Seraphicum S. Laurentii Brundusini de Urbe. Later as both the College and the General House reacquired their identitites,