
524 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA Art. 5. Both the admission ofyoung alumni and the assigning ofteachers as well as their removal belong exclusively to the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda Fide. Art. 6. The above-mentioned college may own no other property in Italy except that which will be its headquarters in Rome. For the needs of the college the alms that can be collected in the missions abroad will suffice. Art. 7. The Sacred Congregation of Propaganda will appoint a senior missionary to whom will be entrusted the administration of the college. Art. 8. At the end ofeach year the deputy administrator should give the Congregation of Propaganda Fide an account of the assets and liabilities of the college. Such account, ifthe need arises, should be submitted before the above-mentioned period. Art. 9. Should the college for whatsoever reason lose its juridical personality the Con– gregation ofPropaganda Fide will immediately take over the property, the headquarters of the college, and everything connected with it. However, the Congregation ofPropaganda Fide will not be able to use the property and everything connectedwith it that it has entered into possession, for purposes other than that for which the college had been established, that is for the propagation ofmissions abroad 56 • The royal decree ofKing Vittorio Emmanuel III granting juridical character to St Lawrence of Brindisi College in Rome and approving the Statutes of the College was formally issued on 18 November 1909. The royal decree reads: On the proposal of Our Minister ofJustice Secretary of State for the Affairs of Grace and Justice and Cults, we have decreed and decree: Article 1. The College ofSt Lawrence ofBrindisi for the apostolic missions abroad, and especially in the countries ofthe East, having its headquarters in Rome, Via Boncompagni, no. 71, has been erected as moral entity. Article 2. The Organic Statute as integral to the aforementioned college, examined, on Our order, by the Minister ofJustice, has been approved. We order that the present decree, bearing the seal of the State, be inserted into the official collection of laws and decrees of the Kingdom of Italy, sending it whosoever is to observe it and have it observed 57 • 56 AGC, FG 1, Statutiperil Collegio di S. Lorenzo da Brindisiin Roma, dated 6 February 1909. 57 AGC, FG4, In the list of the '1stituti Religiosi del Regno riconosciuti come preparatori per le Missioni all'estero", the "Collegio lnternazionale di S. Lorenzo da Brinidisi - Roma, Via Boncompagni 71" is assigned No. 36, while "Collegio di S. Francesco - Frascati (Roma)': the vacation villa for the said College, is No. 37.