
CAPUCHIN GENERAL MINISTER PACIFICUS CARLETTI OF SEGGIAN0 523 It was felt that the presence of the college on Via Boncompagni No 71 would fully justify the petition seeking a legal status for the Capuchin presence there, including the General Curia of the Capuchins. The opening of the international college on 26 October 1908 in the building of St Fidelis College had been only a short-term measure. Now the superiors had to find out a suitable building to house the college 54 • And that meant shelling out more money. ''.Ad hoe multa requirebatur pecunia". As the "domum Generalitiam" too was found insufficient to accommodate the students of the college, it was decided to amplify the building. The subject of establishing the college "in aedibus S. Laurentii a Brundusio, in Via Boncompagni non multo ante erectis figenda visa est" was presented to the pope during the audi– ence of 4 February 1909 and it got Pius X's green signal. Accordingly the Sacred Congregation ofPropaganda Fide issued an official decree to the same effect 55 • Now the competent authority to push through the project was Propaganda Fide. The Secretary ofPropaganda Fide forwarded to the Minister ofGrace and Jus– tice also a copy of the Statutes of the nascent international College in Rome, consti– tuting of nine articles. Art. 1. The college is founded by the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda Fide. The main aim of this college is to maintain the apostolic missions abroad and particularly those of Smyrna, Constantinople, Trebizond, Mesopotamia, Candia, Eritrea, Plovdiv, as well as those among the savages ofSouth America and those in the East Indies. Art. 2. The college shall enjoy all the privileges and rights of the Urban College ofPro– paganda Fide, on which it depends. Art. 3. Young people ofall nationalities who wish to devote themselves to the service of the apostolic missions abroad will be accepted at the College ofSt Lawrence ofBrindisi in Rome. Art. 4. In the said college the study ofltalian language and literature will be obligatory, and this is besides the study of the sacred sciences and foreign languages absolutely ne– cessary to the missionaries. Giustizia. Cio fatto l'0rdine stesso s'incarica d'iniziare e portare a termine la pratica presso il Ministero". 54 Analecta OFMCap 24 (1908) 168; Analecta OFMCap 26 (1910), 110: "Sed profecto aedes S. Fidelis mansio perpetua collegii esse non potest, ut jam Rev.mus P. Bernardus ab Ander– matt, £r., animadverterat quum a S. Congregatione EE. et RR. de collegio in Urbe instituendo ro– gatus fuerat; nam in Capitulo Generali fessus est 'se huic ordinationi obsequi non potuisse... quia collegium S. Fidelis ad hoe destinari non poterat, non enim spatiosum est. Si quid aptum igitur, ait, pro tali fundatione appetatur, ad novam deveniendum erit constructionem"'. 55 AGC, FGI, Decretum Sacrae Congregationis Propagandae Fidei, bearing the signature of Cardinal Girolamo Maria Gotti, 0CD and that of the Secretary Luigi Veccia, and dated 5 February 1909.