
CAPUCHIN GENERALMINISTERPACIFICUS CARLETTI OF SEGGIANO 519 guration of the college on 26 October 1908. He is described as "the founder and soul" of the new college. In his address to the students, the general Minister reminded the students that "theywere called to Rome for being instructed and to be able in its time, instruct others". Cardinal Vives y Tut6, who was not able to assist at the inauguration, visited the College in the afternoon of the day of inauguration. He told the commu– nity that "the establishment ofthe new College was for the Holy Father a great conso– lation"40. On 31 October, the fifth day after the inauguration, Pope Pius X received the fraternity of the College in a private audience and the general Minister spoke of the finality of the College and what it represents for the entire Capuchin Order 41 . The College had its Regulation described as the Normae pro Disciplina servan– da in nostro Seraphico Collegio Internationali. The list of twenty-one rules are "ac– cording to the norms which His Holiness Our Lord Pope Pius X deigned to grant us" and are like the ones that prevail in any ofthe well-ordered friaries ofthe Order 42 . The college is directly under the jurisdiction ofthe Order's general superiors. Its staff consists of a rector, a vice rector, a spiritual director, an oeconomus and lectors for giving courses and tuition. The lifestyle and the ascetic practices in the college are to correspond to those prevailing in the friaries in the Capuchin provinces. While emphasis is placed on the common life, ofwhich the financial burden is shouldered by the general superiors, personal handling of money is strictly forbidden 43 . In the Adhortatio ad superiores et alumnos Collegii in the Statuta peculiaria pro Collegio Se– raphico S. Laurentii Brundusini de Urbe ( 1911), the Capuchin general Minister says unequivocally that the material construction ofthe college should correspond to the intellectual and moral building of the friars who would be obedient to the ecclesias- 40 De Collegio Seraphico Internationali, in Analecta OFMCap 24 (1908) 363-364. 41 De Collegio Seraphico lnternationali, in Analecta OFMCap 24 (1908) 365: "Guardaste e con intelletto di amore, con affetto di Padre nell'intento nobilissimo e santo di conservare sempre ed assicurare all'Ordine nostro la sanita della dottrina, la purita ed unita d'insegnamenco perferra– mente armonizzante colla sottomissione, coll'obbedienza e riverenza, che sull'esempio e giusta il commando del Seraflco nostro Padre, dobbiamo al Vicario di Gesu Cristo, a Voi; Voi voleste che qui in Roma all'ombra salutare e beneflca del Vaticano, sotto i vostri occhi sorgesse un Collegio Seraflco Internazionale destinato a procurare ai nostri giovani una cultura superiore. Voi diceste e tutto fu fatto". 42 De Collegio Seraphico Internationali, in Analecta OFMCap 24 (1908) 367-369. 43 De Collegio Seraphico Internationali, 368: "Sacerdotes quotidie Missam dicant ad inten– tionem Ministri Generalis; singulis hebdomadibus unam Missam possint libere applicare pro suf– fragis Provinciae suae vel ad libitum".