
CAPUCHIN GENERAL MINISTER PACIFICUS CARLETTI OF SEGGIANO 515 was elected to the Definitory of his province of Tuscany and on 18 April 1902 the provincial Chapter elected him as provincial Minister. On 5 October 1904 he was nominated apostolic preacher and on 14 February 1905 he was appointed gener– al Definitor. Subsequently he was made apostolic visitor of the Tuscan dioceses of Arezzo, Siena and Volterra 29 • In the wake of his being elected general Minister of the Capuchin Order, he strained every nerve to make the administrative transition as smooth as possible. He thanked his predecessor profusely for the dedicated service oftwenty-four long years to the Order. The Chapter approved the modus procedendi for the revision of the constitutions. It was decided that the proposals and observations of the capitulars were to reach the commission for the revision within four months. The new com– mission for the revision of the constitutions was to be constituted of two Italians, and one each ofthe languages German, English, Spanish and French. The friars cho– sen were: Eugene ofApua, Joseph ofGenoa, Matthew ofTarbert, Cassian ofSexten, Benvenutus of St. Michaele or Alphonse of Macharen and Ambrose of Valencia 3°. On 22 May 1908, during the private audience Fr Pacificus requested the pope in the name ofthe whole Order that his predecessor Fr Bernard ofAndermatt be honoured with an ecclesiastical dignity. The capitulars were warmly received by the pope on 24 May in the consistorial hall. The last of the Chapter sessions took place on 25 May. Towards the end of the month the Holy See officially communicated the news that the outgoing general Minister Bernard ofAndermatt would be promoted as titular archbishop ofStauropolis 31 • The norms that the pope had given to the Chapter turned out to be practical– ly an agenda set for the new general superiors. Therefore promptly they set about carrying out their tasks before them. Already by getting the Chapter to constitute a commission for the revision of the constitutions the new general Minister had set the ball rolling. The four-month timeframe fixed for the capitulars to forward their proposals to the commission was indicative of the resolute mindset of the new team 29 APCapTusc, Carlini, La morte di mons. Pacif},co Carletti, l; M. Marianelli, Vita di convento. I cappuccini a Peccioli (I Quaderni Pecciolesi, 10), Ponsacco (Pi) 2012, 25 footnote 10: "Nel 1904 il Ministro Provinciale Pacifico da Seggiano". "Fu il visitarore apostolico che ad inizio Novecento fece un rapporto sulle parrocchie della Toscana''. See A. Nesti, Alie radici della Toscana contemporanea. Vita religiosa e societd dalla fine dell'Ottocento al crollo de/la mezzadria, Milano 2008. 30 Analecta OFMCap 24 (1908) 183-184. 31 Analecta OFMCap 24 (1908) 184, "Cunctis sine mora peractis, die 31 Maii, Rmus. P. Bernardus litteras accipiebat, quibus lllmus. D.D. Consistorii Substitutus illi renuntiabat, Sum– mum Pontificem eum ad Sedem Archiepiscopalem titularem Stauropolitanam promovisse".