
514 BENEDICTVADAKKEKARA ter then brought to the notice of the house that among the elected superiors there was no one from the Order's Anglophone regions, while there were three from the Italian-speaking areas and one each from the areas where French, German and Span– ish were spoken. Hence to fill this void the chapter elected the Welsh friar Anselm of Abersychan, province ofEngland, as general Definitor25. Even before his election as general Minister ofthe Capuchin Order Pacificus of Seggiano was already a noted figure in the Order and in the Church. He was born on 8 August 1859 in "a humble but serene and religious commune of Seggiano" in the province of Grosseto in the Italian region of Tuscany. His parents were Libera– tus Carletti and Albina Catocci. He was christened Celsus 26 • There was little that one could describe as remarkable either about the family or the childhood and early years ofCelsus 27 • At 17, precisely on 20 July 1876, he was vested with the Capuchin religious habit in the Friary of Cortona, where on 2 August 1877 he made his first religious profession. He had his religious and priestly formation in various Capuchin houses and it was in the chapel ofCapuchin friary ofArezzo that he made his solemn profession on 15 August 1880. He was ordained priest on 24 February 1882 in the chapel of the bishop's house of Cortona 28 • In 1885, on conclusion of his full course ofecclesiastical studies, he was chosen to be a preacher and then to help in the train– ing of the young Capuchin friars ofhis province. He was lector of sacred eloquence for nearly a decade at the Capuchin friary of Borgo San Lorenzo (1892-1902). He 25 See Analecta OFMCap 24 (1908) 172-178 for a list of the capitulars, the details of the elections and the formal taking ofoffice by the newly elected general Minister. 26 APCapTuse, [Sisto da Pisa], Necrologia deiJrati minori Cappuccini della Provincia toscana IV: Dal 12febbraio 1904al26giugno 1919, No. 552,212: "Erede di s1 buono spirito, fido e tenace trasmettitore del medesimo, indice, portato e premio dell'antico valore fu, per fermo, il Padre, che abbiamo a descrivere, che fu vera illustrazione, non tanto della Provincia, quanta dell'Ordine intero, per non dir della Chiesa''. 27 APCapTuse, [Sisto da Pisa], Necrologia deiJrati minori Cappuccini della Provincia toscana IV: Dal 12/ebbraio 1904al 26giugno 1919, No. 552,213: he was not of all one piece regarding piety and education. "Non ch'egli fosse dissoluto e perverso; ma era bens1 molto atterroso ed ardente, dato in braccio per conseguenza a quella indocilita e sfrenatezza, cui tanto e proclive l'eta giovanile". 28 APCapTusc: Pacifico Carletti: From the "Curia Vescovile di Cortona, Cancelleria" a statement dated 17 May 2011, addressed to the "Direttore dell'Archivio Provinciale dei PP. Cappuccini Toscani", contains the communication: "Nel fascicolo dell'Archivio della Curia di Cortona, al n. 25 'Atti relativi alle Sacre Ordinazioni dal 1979 al 1884' risulta che F. Pacifico da Seggiano Cappuccino, al secolo Celso Carletti, delle Celle di Cortona, ha ricevuto l'Ordine del Presbiterato il 24 febbraio 1882 da Mons. G. Battista Laparelli Pitti, Vescovo di Cortona, nella Cappella dell'Episcopato".