
512 BENEDICTVADAKKEKARA students of the Order, publish promptly the set of scientific and religious discipline bywhich the college will be governed" 20 • This was a subject that the Holy See had for long been insisting upon, but the outgoing general Minister always evaded the issue on the ground that the Order did not have the personnel and wherewithal for carry– ing it through. The last point was about the renewal of the constitutions and it was then a burning problem in the Order. But the papal instruction indicated a differ– ent path for a more decorous and methodical renewal of the constitutions than the one mentioned in the letter ofconvocation. The Chapter would in this way be in a position to effectively renew the Order's constitutions in the right spirit 21 • Thus the pope's letter had its desired effects as it specified well-defined norms to be followed in the election of the superiors. The Chapter was given besides a revised agenda by way of capacitating the Order to respond to the exigencies before it. However the Order was not in the know of all this as the pope's letter would be read out to the capitulars only during the course of the Chapter. 2. Pacijicus ojSeggiano as Capuchin GeneralMinister The 67 th Chapter had in all 147 vocals and from 14 May onwards they began reaching Rome. Already the Order's Protector and president of the Chapter Antho– ny Cardinal Agliardi too was around trying to feel the pulse of the capitulars and briefing them through informal meetings or auscultatio. On Sunday the 17 th ofMay 2014 at 09.00 the outgoing general Minister Bernard of Andermatt presented to the chapter assembled in the refectory of the Friary of the Immaculate Conception a report of his administration and an overview of the Order in the various circum– scriptions. The report also referred to the two tasks envisaged by the convocation letter namely, the election of new superiors and the revision of the constitutions. Fr Bernard also outlined the status quaestionis of the renewal of the constitutions 22 • 2 ° Constitutiones Fratrum Minorum S. Francisci Capuccinorum, No. 182, in Constitutiones Ordinis Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum saeculorum decursu promulgatae II: Constitutiones re– centiores (1909-1925), 274-275. 21 Analecta OFMCap 24 (2008) 171-172: "Revisio Constitutionum Ordinis omnino facien– da est in praesenti Capitulo, vel auctoritate ejusdem Capituli; neque amplius disputandum erit, an Revisio peragenda sit, sed quomodo peragenda, et praesertim quaenam supprimenda, modifl.canda, addenda. In qua revisione omnia et singula quae in superioribus articulis dicuntur, exactissime in– serenda erunt novae editioni ipsarum Constitutionum, non quoad verbum, sed quoad sensum': 22 Bernardus abAndermatt,Relatio, inAnalecta OFMCap 24 (1908) 167-168, saw the new draft of the constitutions with great optimism: "Si opus confectum hanc oh formam non admit– tatur, iterum revideatur, sed timeo ne et talis revisio a S. Congregatione non approbetur''.