
ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPUCHIN ORDER IN INDIA 241 Archbishop Jacopi died on 14 October 1991. On 2 May 1892 Mgr Emmanuel Van den Bosch was transferred from Lahore to Agra as his successor. He began in all earnestness to implement the guidelines of the Propaganda for effectively carrying the Gospel to the populace; this meant leaving behind the beaten track, much to the chagrin of some of the veteran missionaries. As this new accent on evangelization brought him to a head-on collision with his friars, he tendered his resignation 140 • It was only in 1898 that Agra received a new pastor in the person of Mgr Gentili 141 • Different batches of students reached India in the meantime. En– thused over the remarkable success they reaped in the District of Sial– kot, the Belgian Capuchins who had charge of the Lahore Mission, brought some of their students with a Lector to their Mission and began training them in situ. This strategy was warmly welcomed by the Propaganda 142 • In 1894 the Provincial ~f Tuscany, Fr Gregory of 140 AGCap H 4, IV, Fr Damasus to Fr General, Agra 31 January 1894: "Il mo– vimento dato dal nostro ottimo Arcivescovo alla propagazione della Cattolica Religione, ii suo ardentissimo zelo nel provvedere Seminari, Catechumenati, Catechisti e Maestri, ii buon esempio di Serafica Poverta nel vitto ed in tutto ii tenore di sua vita, l' amore che riscuote da tutte le classi di persone sia entro che fuori della sfera di sua autorita (. ..) provano che la elezione di Monsignor Van den Bosch viene da Dio. Cio nonostante, credo mio dovere di prevenire a Sua Paternita Reverendissima, che ii nostro Arcivescovo, oppresso da dispiaceri, fara di tutto per essere esonerato dal suo Officio; nello stesso tempo Le dichiaro, che se mai ii desiderio di detto Prelate fosse esaudito, tornerebbe a gravis– simo danno delle anime nonche a disonore de! nostro Ordine in questi luoghi". AGCap, AH 9, Resolutiones Definitorii Genera/is, 283 (5 May 1894): "La S. C. di Propaganda co– munica la notizia, che ii S. Padre ha accettato la rinuncia di Monsignor Van den Bosch, Arci– vescovo di Agra, per motivi di salute, nominando Amministratore ad interim di quella Arci– diocesi ii M.R.P. Damaso da Villafranca Veronese, gia ivi Vic[ario] G[enera]le da varii anni". 141 Charles Gentili of Bertinoro (Prov. Bologna): appointed Bishop of Allahabad in 1897; Archbishop of Agra in 1898. 142 AGCap H 59, III, Fr Provincial to Fr General, Brussels 29 September 1889: "... nous avons pense d'envoyer du etudents au Punjab, qui tout en achevant leurs etudes pourront apprendre les langues et s'habituer au climat et aux mc:eurs du pays". AGCap H 59, I, Propaganda Secretary to Fr General, Rome 17 December 1889. Fr Mark's letter of 8 February 1990 says that the students began their course of theology at Dalhousie under Fr Godfried. Three months later he wrote again expressing satisfaction over their training; the Mission could reasonably hope to have after two years six more suitably trained friars. Cf. AGCap H, 59, III, Fr Mark to Fr General, Lahore 8 February 1890; AGCap H 59, III, Fr Mark to Fr. General, Sialkot 25 May 1890. In his report of 9 May 1890 Fr Mark speaks of "8 students of theology": Cf AGCap H 59, II, Lahore 9 May 1890.