
240 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA Order's apparent non-performance in the face of the striking results the women's congregations were achieving in India. There was also a subtle mistrust between the Capuchin jurisdictions in India and this had its adverse effects on the Novitiate and the Study 136 • The ac;de– mic formation offered at Mussoorie left something to be desired. This explains why some in Allahabad preferred to send their students to Dalhousie to study with those of Lahore 137 • With the entrusting of the Archdiocese of Agra to the Tuscan Province the question of reopening the Novitiate sank into the backdrop and lost its relevancy. Conducting the Novitiate was expressly ruled out as being one of its commitments 138 • As it was presumed that on its own Tuscany was capable of adequately manning its Mission, it was the Provincial's duty to send students to India, who had first to learn Hindustani before English, if not, they could be rendered incompetent to work among the natives 139 • percio a nome di questa S. Congreg.[azio]ne fatta preghiera dal Delegato Ap[osto]lico a Mons. Arcivescovo di Agra che si adoperasse all' erezione di un seminario provinciale in Agra, dove potessero conveniemente educarsi i giovani di tutta la provincia ecclesiastica". 136 Cf. AGCap H 6, III, Fr Raphael of Leghorn to Fr General, Agra 26 Februa– ry 1891: The Superiors of Agra were accused of unfairly procuring the services of their students for Agra. Since the students were also teaching in the Orphanage School, there was always the temptation for the authorities to detain the students unnecessarily. Though Brs Francis of Patna and Louis of Bologna, both belonging to the Mission of Allahabad, had passed their final examinations in philosophy "satisfactorily", they were obliged to do one more year of philosophy. Allahabad had also to meet their expenses. 137 AGCap H 6, III, Fr Raphael of Leghorn to Fr General, Agra 26 February 1891: "Di piu la presente disposizione dei Superiori cola non ha la fiducia non solo dei nostri, ma neppure di molti della Missione di Agra stessa". AGCap H 4, IV, Fr Hilary of .Montevarchi (Prov. Tuscany) to Fr General, Agra 23 January 1894: the exami– nation results did not do the students much credit. Some were given the pass mark just to avoid "new tensions". 138 APCapTusc, Decreto fatti dalla M.R.Diff.ne de' Cappuccini di Toscana, 165: "La M. R. Definizione della Provincia toscana nella Congregazione de! 28 Agosto, ha stabilito: Di accettare I' offerta della Missione di Agra, con le condizioni oralmente concertate col M.R.P. Antonino da Reschio Seg.rio Generale delle Missioni; cioe: ... 3.a Che la Provin– cia intende mandare i suoi Alunni come Missionari e percio non assume la direzione di quegli stabilimenti, che non hanno stretissima relazione con ta! Ministero". 139 AGCap H 4, IV, Fr Damasus to Fr General, Agra 21 February 1893: "Dico, prima la lingua Indostana; poiche se i giovani preferiscono la lingua Inglese non si adatte– ranno mai all' opera Apostolica fra gli'Indigeni, o seppure andranno fra loro parleranno si malamente di incontrare ii disprezzo dei pagani, come accade generalmente, non senza discapito della nostra Santa Religione".