
236 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA the orders received from Rome, he had suspended the Novitiate of Mussoorie 124 • 7. Suspended animation protracted After the Novitiate had been suspended, Fr Benedict was reappoint– ed as Guardian and Fr Joseph was made Vicar and Lector of philosophy 125 • Brs Pius and Fidelis were subdeacons and were also teachers at St Fidelis Orphanage School. Brs Bernardine, Francis, Louis, Seraphine, Paul, Stanislaus were in the Professorium. Brs Anthony and Louis were studying theology. Recognizing the precariousness of the No– vitiate community, the Commissary proposed that the house be entru– sted to a Province capable of maintaining stably a canonical fraternity in the Novitiate 126 • The doubts raised about the canonicity of the profession of some of the students due to the anomalousness in the fraternity, had to be solved once and for all. Fr Mark brought the issue to Fr General's 124 AGCap AH 59, III, Fr Mark to the General Secretary of Missions, Lahore 20 January 1890: "Selon Jes ordres re~us, le Noviciat de Mussoorie est suspendu. Le seule novice qui y est £era profession au commencement de Fevrier, s'il persevere". AGCap AH 10, Acta Congregation. pro missionibus, 17 (6 November 1889): "II Noviziato rimanere sospeso usque donec, e venga cio notificato a Mons. Pesci". 125 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Fr Benedict to Fr. Louis, Mussoorie, 28 March 1890. Later Fr Joseph ruminated on his lectorship: APCapTusc, Missione Indo– stan, Incarto I, Fr Joseph to Fr Louis, Agra 28 May 1891: "I am sure you have heard of all the changes. There has been no end of confusion and change in the monas– tery during the past few years. I took the six students through a two years' course of Philosophy, and have now been settled in Agra in something of the same kind. The Mission has opened a Seminary here, and I have been brought down from Mussoorie to try and keep it going". When Fr Joseph was transferred to Agra from Mussoorie, the Mission of Allahabad claimed him back. The Regular Superior of Allahabad protested to the General against this "injustice to the Mission of Allahabad". Cf. AGCap H6, III, Fr Raphael of Leghorn to Fr General, Agra 26 February 1891. Fr Joseph was asked by the Capuchin General to return definitively to his Mission of Allahabad. 126 Cf. AGCap H4, III, Fr Mark to Fr General, Agra 9 May 1890. Earlier he had suggested that the Dutch Province be given the responsibility for the Novitiate of Mussoorie, because it was in a position to send its students to India, in case good vocations were unavailable locally. Cf. AGCap H 59, III, Fr Mark to Fr General, Lahore 5 May 1890.