
230 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA It was frustrating that even after all the changes, the situation did not seem to look up. The Master and the Lector were often at loggerheads. In order to prevent further bickerings and frictions a clear division of tasks between the two was worked out by the Regular Superior 100 • The manifest lack of team-work between Frs Doogan, Ja– mes and Amphian Plunket rendered the scene all too grey 101 • The transfer to Mussoorie had augured ill for Br Seraphin, who left Mussoo– rie for Agra because of an illness that was doggedly afflicting him. Fr Benedict was more than ever feeling despondent about the future of the Novitiate 102 • The Lector and the Preceptor appeared to have failed the test 103 •. As it were to confound the confusion, the Regular Superior single– mindedly pushed ahead with his plan to shift the Study away from Mussoorie in order to prevent the students from teaching at the Orphan– age School. Such a plan would have had serious repercussions on both the Study as well as the School. The Rs 300 received by the friars as compensation for their services in the school went a long way to– wards their maintenance. Employing lay teachers would have been beyond di ·sei mesi, ed anche di meno se sia a tempo avvertito; quantumque crederei bene tenerli nello studio per un altro anno intiero, cioe fino alla fine del '88". 100 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan: Sardhana 21 May 1888, "Decisions of Mission Council": " ... have decided to separate entirely the administration of St Fidelis' Orphan– age from that of the Religious Family, the former under the care of the Rev. Fr. James Roger, aided by Father Amphian. Fr James Roger in his capacity as Rector of St Fidelis is to undertake not to interfere in any way with the young religious, who will form his teaching staff, and for whose services he will contribute the monthly... of Rs 300 towards the maintenance of the Religious Family. Fr James besides his duties as Rector is to undertake to complete the s_tudies of the present class of theological and if required, hereafter, to conduct the philosophical studies of our young religious". 101 Cf. APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Fr Benedict to Fr Louis, Mussoo– rie 14 July 1887. 102 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Fr Callixtus of Saronno (Prov. Milan) to Fr Louis, Simla 12 October 1987. APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Fr Benedict to Fr Louis: "II P. Lettore qui e sempre in convalescenza da forte dissenteria. Il P. Precetto– re, un po' perche e debole di natura, un po' perche forse non gli si confa' !'aria di questo convento, ha una gran voglia di scappare. Fra Serafino per le medesime ragioni ama andarsene da qui. Come Ella vede le nostre condizioni non sono delle migliori. Le mie poi sono peggiori di prima". 103 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Fr Raphael to Fr Louis, Agra 25 July 1888: "Gia sapra che ii Lettore e Precettore di Mussoorie hanno fatto fiasco".