
ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPUCHIN ORDER IN INDIA 229 Since the Novitiate remained closed Br Paul was able to enter the Novitiate only on 25 January 1887. On 7 February Brs Charles and Stanislaus too joined him. Thomas of Coorjee. left the Study, to Mgr Pesci's great disappointment. The members of the newly constitu– ted fraternity, Fr Angelo of Templemore and Br Seraphin of Pisogne, arrived at Mussoorie before the Lector. It was on 14 February 1887 that Lector James Roger of Delhi reached Mussoorie from Dehra Dun. In obedience to the directives from the General, the community began to gather together for meals in the new refectory 96 • In order to main– tain the prevailing equilibrium the Master was asked to be also the Principal of the Orphanage School, besides the office of Guardian he already held 97 • The incoming Lector began the classes in all earnestness but a virulent attack of dysentery left him thoroughly demoralised; he appeared all too eager to decamp. On 21 December 1887 four more novices were inducted into the Novitiate 98 • At the end of the year the Lector accounted to Fr General for the office he had been entrusted with. Two days before Christmas the students had their annual comprehensive examination. Though the other fathers of the community too were invited to be present on the occasion, none of them obliged saving Fr Benedict. The Lector was fully satisfied with the results and wished to be told when the course was to be terminated 99 • & working for the conversion of the heathens little or no effort is made in that direc– tion". After his ordination too he continued his study of theology and in his free time used to visit the lepers, nineteen of whom later accepted Christ. Lest he should catch the contagion, he was told to stop his ministry among the lepers. 96 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Brs Joseph Hickie, Pius and Fidelis to Fr Louis, Mussoorie 14 February 1887: 'We have come into the new refectory, and it has had the effect of making us look more like a religious family than before". 97 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Fr Raphael to Fr Louis, Agra 3 June 1887: "I] Noviziato di Mussoorie sento dire che va molto bene ma il P. Benedetto· fa una corbelleria se rinunzia di essere Principale perche l'amico [Fr Doogan] fara di tutto per essere lui in tutto". 98 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Mgr Jacopi to Fr Louis, Agra 20 De– cember 1887: "Altri 4 giovani sono andati al Noviziato, e prenderanno l'abito domani. Due appartengono alla Missione d'Agra e due a quella d'Allahabad." APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Fr Raphael to Fr Louis, Agra 3 September 1887: "Ho gia preparati 4 giovani pel Noviziato e spero che in quest'anno andranno tutti a Mussoorie". 99 AGCap H4, IV, Fr James to Fr General, Meerut 29 December 1887: "Per me posso terminarlo e presentarli agli esami dell'Ordine e dell'Arcivescovo nel termine