
ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPUCHIN ORDER IN INDIA . 227 He found fault with the Lector for repeatedly telling his confidants that he was eager to get out of Agra and that it was. only his sense of duty that was restraining him. The Bishop would have been warm- . hearted towards the Lector had he taken back the resignation. Anyway he looked forward to meeting him in Agra and to paying him · the fare for the voyage 86 • As a parting shot, Fr Louis despatched an emotionally-charged letter to Mgr Jacopi, letting off steam 87 • The news about the transfer went round quickly 88 • Fr Raphael felt that the Lector's departure was an irreparable loss for the Mission 89 • Mgr Pesci invited him to work in Allahabad if Agra did not need him. Fr Louis appeared inclined to accept the invitation provided Mgr Jacopi was in accord with it. But Fr Benedict's intercession with Mgr Ja– copi to make the Lector stay back at least in India, did not achieve anything 90 • Mgr Pesci insisted on Louis' remaining in Patna till a defi– nitive reply arrived from Rome. However, the Lector felt that the die had been cast and so chose to abide by the Obedience already issued. Mgr Pesci still entertained the hope that one day Fr Louis would join Patna 91 • The letters of the students speak volumes for the great confi- 86 Cf. APCapTusc, Missione · Indostan, Incarto, I, Mgr Jacopi to Fr Louis, Agra 18 January 1887. 87 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Fr Louis to Mgr Jacopi, Mussoorie 21 March 1886. 88 APCapTusc. Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Fr Joseph to Fr Louis, Allahabad 19 January 1887: "I heard last night that you are going to Europe, that you have received your obedience and are about to start. You must pass down this way on your way to ·Bombay. I hear that a new Lector and a new Master of Novices is coming. Is .. it true that those who are there will have to go through their Novitiate again?... I can fancy how Doogan and his lot are rejoicing at your departure". 89 Cf. APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto, I, Fr Raphael to Fr Louis, Agra 22 January 1887. 90 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Fr Benedict to Fr Louis, Mussoorie 2 February 1887. APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Fr Benedict to Fr Loui;, Mussoorie, 9 February 1887: "Riguardo all'invito fattole da Monsignore Pesci l'accetti senz'altro, e cosi Patna si giovera dei suoi servizii giache Agra non ha bisogno'.. Ne scrissi al vescovo U acopi] ma si vede che i miei consigli hanno prodotto il solito effettcf;. 91 AGCap H 6, III, Mgr Pesci to Fr General, Allahabad .2 March 1887:- "Io volevo ritenerlo e scrivere su di cio a V.P. Rev.ma ma Egli ha voluto eseguir subito l'Obbidienza ed oggi parte per Bombay. Egli sembra propenso a far ritorno alle Indie, e in particolare a questa Diocesi e quindi Le sarei molto grato a volerlo rimandare nel pros.[sim]o ,autunno. Egli potrebbe fare molto bene nel Seminario di Darjeeling dove vi sono dei giovani che richi~dono di ~ssere istruiti e preparati per il Sacerdozio, e