
ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPUCHIN ORDER IN INDIA 225 a Guardian capable of being favourably disposed towards the youth. The General Superiors also provided a timetable for. the Novitiate. The Bishop was responsible for framing a full curriculum for the Study in line with the exigencies of the Indian reality. In consultation with Mgr Pesci, he was to have the house enlarged in order to accommodate at least twelve novices; the living quarters of the novices had to be separate from the cells of the professors and the students. Fr Louis was to be relieved as soon as a substitute would be found in such a way that the change-over would not result in an interruption of the classes 79 • It was with the constitution of the "Family of the Novitiate of Mussoorie" on 1 January 1887 that Fr General declared the Novitiate reopened. To render the institution structurally tenable and at the same time adequately functional, he stipulated six dispositions: Fr Benedict was nominated Guardian and Novice Master. Fr James of Delhi was to be the Lector of theology and Fr Angelo of Templemore the Precep– tor of the "Professorium" (the neo-professed). Br Constans of Assche (Prov. Belgium) and Br Seraphin of Pisogne (Prov. Milan) were also assigned to the community. The Master, the Lector and the Preceptor together were empowered to examine and receive candidates into the Novitiate following strictly the norms of the Church and the Order. But one could be admitted to Profession, whether Simple or Solemn, only with Fr General's permission. The Novitiate was to follow the Directives of 25 December 1886; the Study and the Professorium were to be organized according to the Statutes of 15 April 1886, excepting the horarium which had to be rewritten in keeping with the conditions of Mussoorie, but which also needed the approval of Fr General. The novices and the students were to eat in the Friary refectory where no lay people including servants could have access. The novices, the neo-professed and the students should form separate groups and could be together only for the community functions in the church and in the refectory. The Novice Master in his capacity as Guardian was to see to the implementation of the said provisions and to account to Fr General for their obser– vance 80. The Novitiate resumed its functioning on 25 January 1887 81 • 79 Cf. APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Rome 31 December 1886, Fr General to Mgr Jacopi. 8 ° Cf. AGCap H 4, I, for a duplicate copy of the Famiglia de! Noviziato di Mus– soorie, signed by the General, bearing the date 1 January 1887. 81 Cf. AGCap H 59, III, Fr Mark (Hudrisier of Faverges; Prov. Savoy) to Gene– ral Secretary of Missions, Lahore 19 May 1890.