
ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPUCHIN ORDER IN INDIA 223 it would be difficult to get the student dispensed from the vows in order to make him a Tertiary. Br Joseph's case became an apple of discord between Agra and Patna 73 • As teacher, the Lector's heart sank when he realized that he would have merely two students left with Joseph's leaving 74 • Mgr Jacopi sponsored the cause of other students also 75 • Once he had fully unburdened his heart, the Lector felt light– hearted and continued his work as it behoves a good teacher. Despite everything, he was disposed to bring to its conclusion the course he had already initiated. He gathered from the letters of the General Su– periors that he was expected to pursue his wotk at Mussoorie. 6. Third suspension of Novitiate - 1889 Though· well in advance Mgr Jacopi knew that the interruption of the Novitiate was only a coercive measure, he did not try to redeem the Novitiate by adopting appropriate measures. Instead he appeared to be sitting on his hands heedless of the corrective steps already detail– ed by Fr General. In the General Superiors' eyes Mgr Jacopi was overconcerned with his own Mission and his little Novitiate and Study at the expense of the general good. Fr Louis' written apology which 73 Br JoseJ?h, the first student from Patna, was teaching in the Orphanage School while having his religious and priestly formation. It wits Patna that had been paying for his maintenance. Mgr Pesci wanted that he be sent back to Patna. APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Mgr Pesci to Fr Louis, Lucknow 25 March 1886. Finally, through Fr General's mediation Patna got its student back. Cf. APCapTusc Missione Indostan, Incarto I, the General Secretary of Missions to Fr Louis, Rome 3 May 1886. But Mgr Jacopi sulked over this decision and showed his displeasure by denying Br Joseph even the travelling expense for returning to Patna. APCapTusc Missione Indostan, Fr Louis, Diario "1886, 25 October". Br Joseph left Mussoorie on 31 October 1886. In the following year he was brought back to Mussoorie as Lector. 74 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Fr Louis to the General Secretary of Missions, Mussoorie 12 April 1886: "Dico poi sinceramente che questa misura sarebbe il tracollo della bilancia: poiche di 5 studenti eh' ebbi da principio restero con due soli, essendo che due altri furono rimandati per mancanza di vocazione. A tante altre case .aggiungendosi questa, dico in verita, che, ad onta de! mio desiderio di andare fino in fondo, io mi vedrei costretto a chiedere di essere richiamato". 75 Cf. APCapTusc Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Mgr Jacopi to Fr Louis, Agra 2 November 1884.