
222 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA imply that the storm had blown off. Fr Louis was reassured that his name had been included in the list of those to whom the Analecta was to be mailed. In Rome they needed to know urgently the total number of cells in the monastery, and of those meant respectively for the novices, the neo-professed, the students, and the community mem– bers. They knew just that there were three students and so wanted to get the full names of all the professed friars 69 • Again on 3 De– cember the Lector was asked to forward to them a report of the aca– demic year then in- course, specifying the subjects taught and the marks secured by the students 70 • Mgr Jacopi had been labouring under adverse conditions, as he himself had previously confided to the Lector. He wished to be a conscientious Commissary for the Novitiate and wanted to station the required number of friars there. But the circumstances were not within his control 71 • The shortage of hands had been "afflicting him much". He, therefore, did not scruple to outwit ,Mgr Pesci for getting an addi– tional missionary for his Mission. He brought pressure to bear on the people concerned to cast the favourable vote so that he could retain the student Joseph as a Tertiary and ordain him for the Agra Mission. Br Joseph had been sent to Mussoorie by Mgr Pesci. Mgr Jacopi spoke also of a "Fr Christie" who had been ordained in the same manner 72 • But Fr General cautioned him against proceeding in this line as 69 Cf. APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, the General Secretary of Missions to Fr Louis, Rome 13 October 1886. 7 ° Cf. APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, the General Secretary of Missions to Fr Louis, Rome 3 December 1886. 71 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Mgr Jacopi to Fr Louis, Agra 22 Ja– nuary 1885: "II privare l'infermeria d'Agra della presenza di Fra Graziano particolarmente nell'estate sara un affare serio pel Collegio d'Agra. Dall' altra parte un professo dei voti solenni c'e necessario per la canonicita dei voti". 72 ACapTusc Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Mgr Jacopi to Fr Louis, Agra 16 Fe– bruary 1884: "lo scrissi al P. Maestro domandandogli ii voto per ordinare Fra Giuseppe, restando membro de! 3° Ordine, come lo fece ii P. Christie; ma non mi ha risposto. I) P. Giulio glielo ha dato, ed anche ii mio c'e; ma desidererei che ci fosse ii voto di tutti quelli che lo conoscono meglio di me. Abbia la bonta di parlargli di be! nuovo. Intanto Ella gli faccia dire l'ufficio intero cogl'altri, affinche acquisti l'abitudine di dire ii divin uffizio e ne senta ii peso. La grande necessita di sacerdoti mi affligge molto, e non so dove batter la testa, se non che nel muro. Ho scritto al M.R.P. Giustino, al M.R.P. Bernardo, al Prov.le della Prov.a d'Inghiltera e al M.R.P. Serafino Commissario in Irlanda".