
218 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA Frs Benedict and Louis believed that Fr Doogan had been sowing the seeds of dissension between them and the Bishop and that on that score they found themselves always at the receiving end 61 • In fact Fr Doogan's return to Mussoorie in 1884 had unnerved them both. His being present at the Evaluation had "vitiated" the act. Even though he had never even showed his face in the community, the .Bishop wanted him at the Evaluation of the novices. Fr Louis had no doubts that Mgr Jacopi by his silence had approved an act of "gross injustice" on Doogan's part against a teacher of the school. Consequently, in his capacity as proprietor of the school, the Bishop was found culpable by the civil court and was ordered to compensate the teacher; earlier Fr Louis had championed the teacher's cause and had pressured the Bishop into remedying the injustice, at which the Bishop had taken offence 62 • The letter of 24 July 1886 from the General Secretary of Missions finally set Fr Louis' mind at rest; he had feared the worst as he immagined that his "his various letters" might have been inter– cepted. He was reassured that the issues raised by him had been re– ferred to Fr General. The General Superiors had resolved to ask the molta verita dice V.P. che qua' i Vescovi si vedono indipendenti da ogni Superiore, e pongono in un cale gli stessi ordini della S. Sede, quando sono loro communicati dal Generale". 61 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Fr Louis to Mgr Jacopi, Mussoorie 21 March 1886: "V.E. sa tutto cio, ma sventuratamente lo sa da una parte sola, che fino a questo giorno e licenziato ad assalirci alle spalle, senza darci il diritto di difesa. Fin qui, non si e asco!tato che il tono di una campana, che si puo dire quella de! vituperio, ed ii cui suono sinistro degli anni 1871-72 non dovrebbe essersi dimenticato da V.E... ". It was for some unspecified "sinister" reason that Fr Doogan had been removed from the St George's in 1872. 62 APCapTusc Missione Indostan, Fr Louis to the General Secretary of Missions, Mussoorie 5 June 1886: "Le cose poi che avvengono qua da due mesi non possono dirsi altro che cosaccie: ii P. Maestro e trattato dal V[escovo] peggio di un cuciniere con ammirazione di questi giovani, a motivo de! Rettore de! Collegio; l'Orfanatrofio e restato senza ii Maestro di Matematiche fino dal primo de! Mese; e questo Maestro che e stato scacciato nel modo che la dirsi nella prima lettera, partl ieri per Bombay, essendo stato richesto ripetutamente dai PP. Gesuiti per insegnare alle Matematiche nel loro grande collegio. E Ii PP. si edificheranno molto dalle nostre cose". For a copy of the verdict cf. APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Suit No 3 of 1886 in the Court of Small Causes, Dehra Dun Extraordinary Jurisdiction. James Sheehan - Plaintiff Versus Rev. Dr Jacopi O.C. Bishop of Agra - Defendant. Claim to recover Rs 2075/- due on account of salary: Judgment given on 7 June 1886: "The Court decrees in favour of plaintiff and against the defendant for Rs 1365 with proportionate costs".