
ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPUCHIN ORDER IN INDIA 217 In his letter of 5 June 1886 too he continued the argumentation. With the aid of a plan depicting the friary vis-a-vis a new extension of St George's College, he showed convincingly that the novices and the friars were deprived of their privacy and liberty. Since this annexe to the college sat on an elevation and overlooked on the friary, the friars had hardly any seclusion. This newly built wing was a pet idea of the Principal, who had it constructed without the due permission. The Lector believed that the Study and the Novitiate could not func– tion together, and the only way to solve the problem was by erecting a separate cloistered building. In the same compound there was an ideally located plot at a distance of five minutes' walk from the Friary where a Study for ten to twelve persons could be conveniently built. The Novitiate had no statutes. It was a must that an appropriate legislation for the Novitiate be drawn up in the light of the Order's Rule and the Constitutions. Such a legislation would need an official promulgation by the General Superiors in order to give it binding force. He suggested that Mgr J acopi too be asked to submit a plan of the Novitiate, with the cloistered sections marked out on it. The Bishop should also specify if the quiet demanded by the canon law in fact prevailed in the Novitiate. If any extraneous building had been erected in the proximity of the Novitiate, the Bishop should give its plan too, showing its position in reference to the Friary, and pinpointing the windows and doors that face the Friary 59 • In order to prevail on Mgr Jacopi to respect the directives of the Superiors of the Order, Fr Louis suggested that the Novitiate be suspended for a time. The actual work of constructing an extension to the Study, would anyway necessitate the interrupti~n of the Novitiate for a time 60 • in grado ii P. Generale di sapere almeno rispondere quando ne sia interrogato da Propa– ganda, e gl( risparmiera la pena di clover dire, che ii Vescovo non ha mai voluto dare le informazioni richieste". Cf. APCapTusc Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Fr Louis' letters of 26 June, 10 July, and 7 August 1886 to the General Secretary of Missions, reveal that he was passing through a worrying time. 59 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Fr Louis to the General Secretary of Missions, Mussoorie 5 June 1886: he felt that Mgr Jacopi had not been offering whole– hearted cooperation to the General Superiors. According to him, they should, therefore, bring pressure to bear on him: "Da una saggia combinazione di cose io credo che si potra ottenere qualche felice risultato: ma non si otterra mai nulla quando invece de! vero non si mettcmo avanti che i propri gusti". 60 APCapTusc Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Fr Louis to the General Secretary of Missions, Mussoorie 5 June 1886: "Termino su questa materia, ripetendo cio che con