
ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPUCHIN ORDER IN INDIA however, would be assured for the third and final Evaluation because by February 1886 three of the students would have made their Solemn Profession. As they were already part of the fraternity they would be eligible to cast their votes at the Evaluation. Hence, argued the Lector, it would not be required to stretch the point any more by having the Bishop and the Principal of St George's College 54 take part in the Evaluation. The mere presence of ineligible persons could per se vitiate the act. Citing various legislative sources, he made out a strong case for excluding the two precisely because they were not effective members of the fraternity. But his remonstrances fell on deaf ears; he was told that the Principal would take it amiss, if he were kept out, and that Rome's directive was to include him too. The Master's plea to see the text of the directive was ignored. The Principal too cast his vote; the Lector participated in it lest by shunning he should scandalize the students 55 • Fr Louis took up the issue with Mgr Pesci when the latter visited Mussoorie. Mgr Pesci did not remain indifferent and was apprehensive about it. The Evaluation had precipitated the morale in the Novitiate to an all-time low. In 1884 too an analogous irregularity had occurred. There was then a novice 56 who had not been subjected to the pres– cribed four-monthly Evaluation during the first eight months of his Novitiate. When this point was raised, it was decided to hold immedi- 54 The Principal was Fr James Doogan of Dublin (Prov. Ancona). As there was a namesake in the Mission (Fr James Rogers of Delhi) Fr James Doogan used to be referred to by his surname. From 1867 to 1872 too he was Principal of the College. He was then made military chaplain. In 1884 Jacopi reappointed him as Principal. He con– tinued in office till 1894 when the College was entrusted to the Brothers of St Patrick. Cf. APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Registro dei missionari cappni. de/unti delta Arcidiocesi d'Agra dall'ere:done e promulgazione delta ecclesiastica gerarchia 1887 /ino all'anno [1910], 11-12. 55 This occurrence was the despair of Louis. APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Incarto I, Fr Louis to the General Secretary of Missions, Mussoorie 17 May 1886: "Memorie di cio che V.P.M.R. mi scriveva l'anno passato: 'e necessario che qui sappia ecc.' gia mi accingeva a scrivere qualchecosa in proposito (credendo giusto il tempo), quando ha ricevuta l'ultima mia questa disposizione dove dico: 'Quando saro in Roma, si sapra ancora che cosa e questo convento': e se invece d'allora Ii faccio adesso, vi sono spinto da cio che e avvenuto nell'ultima votazione per i tre Novizi che hanno professato il 16 corrente". 56 Fr Louis here refers to Br Bernardine who received the religious habit in Au– gust 1883.