
ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPUCHIN ORDER IN INDIA 211 On 11 June 1883 he began his classers in philosophy for the five students. In October 1883 it was already "more than a year and a half" since the Novitiate had been instituted; by then five novices had successfully terminated the Novitiate; and "since four months" a Study for philosophy had been opened for the.se five 44 • · St Francis Friary of Mussoorie was situated at .a short distance fro~ St George's College and St Fidelis Orphanage School, and it housed the Novitiate and the Study. It was a· three-storeyed building: the Novitiate occupied the first floor and the Study was conducted on the second floor; the ground floor was set aside for other sundry activi~ ties. Mgr Jacopi hoped to have a roomy and ornamented church built and thus to have all the basic structures for the institution. The Vica– riates of Agra, Allahabad and Punjab pinned all their hopes on it. Three years after the beginning of the Novitiate there were five stu– dents of philosophy, of whom one belonged to the Vicariate of Patna. There was also a novice from Patna and in March 1885 two more were expected to join him, thus making a total of five novices 45 • In one of his letters, the General Secretary of the Missions quoted some of the figures that the Lector himself had furnished. him with. Accordingly in October 1886 there remained only three students, as two had been sent away 46 • Ambrose was one of those dismissed. He 44 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Memorie di p. Ludovico da Livomo, 91:' " ... la solenne apertura e benedizione del nuovo Convento in cui e gia instituto il noviziato da oltre un' anno e mezzo e nel quale pure fu inaugurato da quattro mesi lo Studio di filosofia per i cinque giovani che terminarono il noviziato al principio del corrente anno". 45 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Mgr Jacopi to Mgr Agliardi, Mussoorie 9 Februa– ry 1885: "A poca distanza di questi due luoghi [St Fidelis Orphanage School and St George's College which then was an unfinished building] n'esiste un altro da tre anni, in cui sono fondate le speranze della nostra Missione d'Agra non solo, ma eziandio degli altri due vicariati, quando i progetti iniziati, e via di concordato, abbiano un pratico effetto. Con do intendo parlare del Convento di S. Francesco, dov'e attualmente il Novi– zato e lo Studio. II fabbricato si compone di tre piani: il primo riservato alle officine, il secondo al Noviziato, ii terzo allo Studio. La Chiesa, in cui convengono anche le due Istituzioni; e provvisoria e si attende la provvidenza per fabbricarne una piu decorosa e capace. Presentemente vi sono 5 studenti di Filosofia, ed un novizio che studia li~gua latina, avendo gia terminato ii suo tirocinio fino dallo scorso Agosto". AGCap, H 6, III, Mgr Pesci to Fr General, Allahabad 18 July 1885: "lo gia mantengo nel Noviziato di Mussoorie 3 novizi e immagino a mandarvene altri...". 46 Cf. APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, the General Secretary of Missions to Fr· Louis, Rome 13 October 1886.