
ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPUCHIN ORDER IN INDIA 209 Fr Damasus' letter gives some inkling of Mgr Jacopi's reluctance to take Fr General into confidence. The withdrawal o't · the subsidy had in fact upset the applecart and broke his heart. Seeing his Bishop's sad plight, it was difficult for Damasus to withhold his tears. ·Though Mgr Jacopi had resigned himself to the inevitable, the issue concerning -the subsidy became rather a sore point with him 39 • The General Su– periors lamented time and again that Mgr Jacopi, in spite of repeated insistence, was not reporting back to. them on the Novitiate. It was ~nly in· June 1866 that Mgr Jacopi for the first time presented to Rome an account of the. Novitiate. 5. Second suspension ;/ Novitiate - 1886 Mgr Jacopi was pressing the General Superiors· for the service of a Lector of philosophy and theology for the Study, scheduled to begin in 1883. Since the chances of getting Lectors from Italy were rather bleak, Fr General sent an urgent appeal to the Provincial of Englanrl to rush to Mgr Jacopi's aid. The Propaganda authorities too did not lag behind ~n demonstrating thei; solicitude for the Capuchin foundation· in ·India. The :'Drder's General Chapter was asked to interest itself in providing· Mussowie with the needed personnel 40 • The. initiatives of the General Superiors in favour of the Study of Mussoorie were beginning to produce results. Unknown to each other the end of 1880. The "subsidy of all the five students of Rome" alluded to here must have been . the maintenance grant for the five students from the Agra Mission in Rome; they had terminated ··th"'ir. studies in 1881. .3 9 AGCap H4, IV: Fr DamasJs to· Fr· General, Agra 2. January 1882: "Re;eren– dissimo Padre, io non so, ne domando sapere come mai la missione di Agra sia stata · privata de! ·sussido dei cinque studenti di Roma; quello che so. e, che ii povero Monsigno, re si senti ferito al cuore cos{ acuto e p~netrante, che a '.me pure trasse If lagrime al vederlo e sentirlo cotanto ferito. Si rassegno e vero, alle divine disposizioni, ma cio non impedf che la ferita continuasse a tenerlo addolorato, anzi sempre piu incrudire... ". 40 AGCap H4, II, Rescript n.29 of 10 May 1884: · the Propaganda, through the Order's Cardinal Protector Raphael Monaco La Valletta, issued a series of practical guide– lines for the restoration of the Order's Missions in India, the second of which reads: "Novitiatus apud Mussoorie instructus servari debet; at Capitulo proximo commendetur ut mittat ad ilium directores amplissimos".