OTIAVIANO SCHMUCKI: BIO-BIBLIOGRAFIA 231 290. Que/len und Studien über den hl. Franziskus von Assisi (1987-1990), in Collecta– nea Franciscana 60 (1990) 255-310. 291. Der franziskanische Bujorden im Lichte der biographischen Que/len des 13. Jahrhunderts, in Wissenschaft und Weisheit 53 (1990) 157-184 (testo rielaborato a riguardo della prima ed.; cf. sopra, n. 99). 292. Bibliographia Camilli Bérubé, 1933-1990, in Collectanea Franciscana 60 (1990) 709-731, o in Mélanges Bérubé. Etudes de philosophie et théologie médiévales offertes a Camille Bérubé O.F.MCap. pour son 80' anniversaire. Ed. par V Criscuolo. (Biblio– theca Seraphico-Capuccina, 40), Roma, Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, 1991, 489-511. 293. The Passion of Christ in the Life of Saint Francis of Assisi: A Comparative Stuc!J of the Sources in the Light of Devotion to the Passion Practiced in bis Time. Translated by Ignatius McCormick, in Greyfriars Review (Pittsburgh, PA) 4 (1990) Supple– ment, 1-101 (cf. Bibliog. Franc. XVII, n. 612; versione del n. 32s). 294. Divine Praise andMeditation according to the Teaching and Example of St. Francis of Assisi, in Greyfriars Review 4 (1990) 23-73 ( cf. sopra, n. 208 e 213). 295. The Illnesses of St. Francis of Assisi befare His Stigmatization, in Greyfriars Re– view 4 (1990) 31-61 (cf. sopra, n. 64 e 94). 296. Lo ''Specchio di Oratione" del P. Bernardino da Balvano, O.F.M.Cap., in L1talia francescana 65 (1990) 5-32. 297. Fidelis-Forschung [su san Fedele da Sigmaringen], in Bote der Tiroler Kapuziner (Innsbruck) 73 (1990) 100-101. 1991 298. The Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi: A Critica! Investigation in the Light of Thirteenth-Century Sources. (Franciscan Institute Publications. History Series No. 6. Edited by Jason M. Miskuly). St. Bonaventure N.Y, The Franciscan Institute St. Bonaventure University, 1991. 23 cm, XVII, 393 pp. - Cf. sopra, n. 58 e 266, e le recensioni di U. Kopf, Die Stigmatisation des hl. Franzjskus von Assisi Zfl einer Untersuchung von Oktavian Schmucki, in Col/. Franc. 65 (1995) 262-264; L. Lehmann in Wiss. Weish. 59 (1996) 148-152. · 299. Übergang vom Franzjskuskult Zf(r Verehrungfranziskanischer Heiligen, in Co!/ec- tanea Franciscana 61 (1991) 627-633 (cf. Bibliog. Franc. XVII, n. 1481). '
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