ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPUCHIN ORDER IN INDIA-II 557 That there were many Catholics and a ''very numerous" community of Fran– ciscan Sisters of Mary in the vicinity rendered Mgr Teixeira's invitation very tempting for the Regular Superiors. Some of the young Brahmin converts of the locality were desirous of joining the Order. If the friars so wished "other lands fit for cultivation" and the "Luz Church" (built in 1516) in Mylapore would be handed over to them. The Diocese preferred Maltese or German friars and the · Administrator promised to "pay the passages from Malta and Germany of the Fathers and Brothers and give them maintenance until such time as they are to support themselves" 170 • The ,Capuchins seized upon the opportunity and the negotiation was initiated in dead earnest. However, the General's pragmatic approach bridled their euphoric zeal. He advised the Commissary to be circumspect before taking the plunge 171 • If the project of Mylapore were not intended to be a house of formation, it should be either a Regular Superior or a Provincial and not the Commissary, who should interest himself in it The Order could not spare personnel for a new undertaking in India 172 • It was then that right out of the blue came a letter from Mgr Teixeira ringing down the curtain abruptly on the negotiation. The apologetic letter went on to explain that the Friars Minor with whom the Diocese had first initiated the correspondence, now expressed their readiness to accept the offer. The Capuchins were contacted only because no positive response had been forthcoming from the Friars Minor 173 • 170 AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato eStud.to, Fr Commissary to Fr General, Agra 27 December 1923. The Novice Master on his way to Belgium had visited Bandra near Bombay; he saw good prospects for the Capuchins if they were to open at least a house in South in India. 171 AGCap G 68, II, Noviziato eStud.to, Fr General to Fr Commissary, Montevideo (Uru– guay) 22 December 1923: "La proposta dell'Amministratore di Mylapore potra esser studiata dopo la risposta del Provinciale di Malta e dopo di aver ·sentito ii parere di quel Delegato Apostolico, con cui e necessario avere uno scambio d'idee in proposito". Fr General to Fr Commissary, Rome 13 March 1924: for the Provincial of Malta "the conditions were more than favourable" but he was categorical when he said that his Province was unable to take up another Mission in India. 172 AGCap G 68, II, Noviziato eStud.to, Fr Commissary to Fr General, Mussoorie 8 April 1924; Fr General Procurator to Fr Commissary, Roma 4 May 1924. 173 AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato e St11d.to, Mgr Teixeira to Fr Commissary, San Thome 21 April 1924: "... His Lordship the Bishop of Mylapore applied some two years ago to the Friars Minor for some units to work in our diocese... The letter of the General comes now to tell us they are prepared to come".
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