
550 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA less burdensome for the :Missions, the Regular Superiors had earlier "suggested that less should be paid for a Lay Brother than for a cleric novice" 151 • A worldly– wise policy seemed to govern the selection and training of those who opted to be Lay Brothers: It was decided that only those should be received as Lay Brothers whom the various Regular Superiors should send. Others should be received only so far as might be necessary to maintain a supply for the Novitiate and for the House of Studies. If a Mission needs a Lay Brother for whom no payment has been made, the Regular Superior shall give an alms to the Commissary on his transfer 152 •.. Fr Arsenius, who had the reputation of being the unique friar to stick on against all the odds at the Novitiate/Study ever since its inception, saw a hopeful future for the Order in India. But it would be on the rocks unless effective measures were taken to salvage it 153 • The practical wisdom of the decision taken by the Commissary and Fr Christopher to steer clear of the scenes of collision between the friars· of the Study and the Guardian of the Friary, had not resulted in generating an atmosphere of fraternal trust and cordiality. It was an action that was more pragmatic than principled 154 . · The Guardian of Mussoori.e made no secret of his disapproval of the presence of the students in his Fraternity; they had become a thorn in the side. messo come sorvegliante in qualche Collegio, senza che nessuno gli dica mai, o quasi mai, una parola suoi proprii doveri religiosi". The resolution of the Regular Superiors taken in their meeting on 6-7 February 1923 had been: "It will be optional for the Regular Superiors to leave their Lay Brothers in the house of the Novitiate after simple profession". 151 C£ AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato e Stud.to, "Meeting of the Reg. Superiors held at Agra, 10 Feb. 1925". 152 AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato eStud.to, "Annual meeting of the Reg. Superiors for 1926". 153 AGCap G 68, II, Noviziato e Stud.to, Fr Arsenius to Fr General, 4 November 1926: "Quasi cinque arini di vita (benche stentata fra molte difficolta - le piu di origine fratesca) mi hanno piu che convinto che la istituzione di Cappuccini in l~dia e benpossibi!e, e puo dare buoni frutti. A patto, ben intesi, che si sia come si deve essere-, altrimenti o presto o poi saci. inevitabile un fiasco". 154 AGCap G 68, II, Noviz!ato e Studio, Fr Arsenius to Fr General, 4 November 1926: "Da tre o quattro mesi lo Studentato fa famiglia da se, avendo in comune solo il Coro; cosi molte difficolta sono appianate, ma non tutte, specialmente quelle di natura psicologica e morale, che pur esistendo altrove, e per motivi estrinseci alla nostra ist;ituzione, ne intralciano il cammino e talvolta pare ne minacciano la vita. Dopo circa due anni siamo ancora considerati (qui a Musso– orie) ospiti intrusi, non graditi. E inutile: la lontananza rende difficile, anzi impossibile il farci comprendere".