
546 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA vocational potential in South India. By way of corroboration, he laid forth facts and figures of other religious Orders in India 1 35 • That the Damaun Mission was strategic for the establishment of the Order was vouched for by the Franciscan Tertiaries of the place. In a joint-petition to the Capuchin General, they expressed their "pain and regret that the Capuchin Fathers are to be removed from Bombay". In a short period of three years the Maltese friars had already succeeded to form units of the Third Order in Andheri, Bandra and Byculla, with a total membership of 401. Besides, on the heels of the ministration by these Capuchins "3 have entered the Novitiate at Sardhana, about 12 are preparing for the same an.cl we are sanguine enough to hope for a growing number of vocations as our Order becomes better known and better understood". Hence needless to say, retaining the Mission of Damaun would expedite the establishment of the Order in India 13 6 • According to Fr Callixtus, it was the prerogative of the general superiors to assign not only a part but even the whole of the Friary of Mussoorie for the needs of the Capuchin clerics; and the Agra Mission could not stand in the way. This meant that the question of compensating Agra for the use of the Friary just did not stand. However, it would be a judicious act if a modest monetary recompense were to be made available to Agra 1 37 . 135 AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato eStud.to, Fr Callixtus, ''Damao - Mussoorie: Memorandwn, Lettere...": "Chiudendo Damao sard chiusa !a Jonte de/le vocazjonl'. . 136 AGCap G 68, II, Noviziato e Stud.to, "Damao - Mussoorie: Memorandwn, Lettere...", Bombay 31 July 1926, Members of the Franciscan Third Order to Fr General. It was the paucity of nwnbers that was constraining the friars into quitting Bombay but they were ready to station a couple of friars at the "Catholic Educational Institute" with a view to recruiting vocations for the Order and for paying hospitality to the friars voyaging to and fro between India and Europe. Fr Leo of Hompesch to Fr General, Bandra 11 August 1926: "Ma la grande obbiezzione si e, che noi siamo solamente cinque sacerdoti e un laico. Dico cinque e non quattro, perche P. Diego probabilmente non ritornera a Malta. Veramente in tal caso si potrebbe lasciare un padre e un laico al Convitto, magari chiamare un laico da Sardegna, e noi altri andremo nella nostra nuova Missione". 137 AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato e Stud.to, Fr Callixtus, "Damao - Mussoorie: Memorandwn, Lettere...": "Ex Jure non possono dornandare un cornpenso. Il convento di S. Francesco a Mussoorie fu fabbricato da Mons. Jacopi, Vicario Apostolico di Agra. Questo Vicario Apost. ebbe molto a cuore l'erezione de! Noviziato e mise la casa a disposizione dell'Ordine; cosi la S.C. de Prop. Fide autorizzo ii 18 marzo 1880 ii R.mo P. Generale a erigire ii Noviziato a Mussoorie. Dunque la proprieta della casa fu presso ii Vic. Ap. Pero l'Ordine rivette [sic; tiene crossed out] per sempre l'uso della casa senza dar un compenso. Il 9 Novembre 1889 ii Rev: Definitorio Generale dispose che 'ii Noviziato rimanesse sospeso usque done?. In questo stato giuridico erano