
ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPUCHIN ORDER IN INDIA- II 541 the needs of the Church and the Order. The Regular Superiors were reminded of their duty to channel a part of the offerings reaching them for the training of the candidates to the Order 119 • During the while it was becoming more and more obvious that the enfor– ced peace in Mussoorie could not hold on for long. It was like the calm before the storm. From April 1926 the students and the Director formed themselves into a community of their own; it was only in the choir that they joined the others. This physical dissociation, which radically did away with the circums– tances of potential contestation between the two lines of authority, did not fully settle the qualms of all. The Guardian found the altered situation aberrant be– cause the new arrangement did not permit the students to validly accuse them– selves of their faults before him, their lawful Guardian; the friars were to perform this penitential exercise before their Guardian 1 20 • The Superiors in Rome remained enthusiastic about the Order's initiative in India. The General himself carried out the correspondence with the Commis– sary and personally monitored the way the project took shape. He urged the Commissary to exercise constant vigilance lest anything should go amiss. The strength of the Novitiate Fraternity was never to fall below the canonical number 121 . In the same way it fell to the Commissary to duly conduct the stipulated Evaluations before the novices are admitted to their profession 1 22 • 119 AGCap G 68, II, Noviziato e Studto, Fr General to Fr Commissary, Rome 20 March 1926: "Una cosa Ci reca penosa meraviglia, ed e la preoccupazione, per Noi eccessiva ed ingiustificata, che avrebbero i Superiori delle diverse Missioni circa il mantenimento di altri candidati all'Ordine. Ad occasione opportuna faccia loro notare che il sussudio che essi ricevono dall'Opera Serafica, puo e deve avere un margine per le spese che richiede la presenza di novizi e di studenti, i quali dovranno aumentare il numero dei nostri Missionari in India". 12 ° Cf. AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato eStudio, Fr Louis of Seggiano to Fr General, Agra 18 August 1926: "Un altro fatto che non mi sembra in conformita delle nostre Costituzioni e che gli Studenti non devono dire la colpa davanti al Guardiano, ma davanti al loro Direttore". APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, Fr Louis to Fr Christopher, Mussoorie 25 February 1926, wanted the two lectors to stay on the second floor with those of his community, because their service was absolutely needed to run the parish: "... ora una volta messi da parte mi si possono rifiutare in cio che riguarda il loro aiuto nel servizio parrocchiale...". 121 AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato eStudto, Fr Arsenius to Fr General Archivist, Sardhana May 1925: in the Novitiate House there were only two resident fathers from September to Decem– ber 1924. 122 AGCap G 68, II,Noviziato eStudto, Fr General to Fr Commissary, Rome 21 June 1925: "Circa poi il modo di procedere nelle votazioni per i Novizi, Ci richiamiamo a quanta fu stabilito nella 'Conventio inter Superiores Regulares etc.' al N.5. Nelle due votazioni ~'una per