
538 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA were on their course; there was no dearth of vocations .and the performance of the staff was quite up to the mark. Since the Vicar General of Agra had flatly turned down Mgr Bernacchioni's request to administer the Archdiocese during the latter's forthcoming trip to Europe, the Commissary had to assume that responsibility too 108 . For the General, Mgr Bernacchioni's arrival in Rome was a timely help to have his finger on the pulse as regards the Order's Novitiate and Study in India. He was able to match the picture he already had with the firsthand report from the front line. All things considered, the Commissary was doing his job well and the General wrote to him expressing his appreciation for his selfless service. While he was not to fret about money matters, he was to strain every nerve to come up with the goods. The General regretted that not many friars in India cooperated wholeheartedly for the realization of the Order's project there. For all their pains, those who were sweating their blood for bringing up the two foundations, had to bear the pain of seeing their own confreres putting a spoke in their wheel 1° 9 . After a frank exchange of views with the provincial superiors in Florence, Mgr Bernacchioni confided to the Commissary that he could see no other way of restoring peace and cordiality among the missionaries of Agra than the one of getting the entire Friary of Mussoorie vacated of the clerics and shifting the Study to another location. For the missionaries, it was touching a raw nerve when one started discussing the question of the presence of the students in Mussoorie. The Commissary felt let down when Mgr Bernacchioni too appeared to accept uncritically what he considered to be an unfair demand of his confreres. Doubt– lessly, the Archbishop's primary concern was to restore reciprocal trust among his missionaries 11°. Fr Arsenius drew up a report of his eight months as Director of the Study of Mussoorie. He was teaching philosophy, moral theology, canon law and 108 AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato e Stud.to, Fr Commissary to Fr General, Mussoorie 18 May 1925: "Noviziato e Studio vanno avanti assai bene; ci sono vocazioni e c'e buona volonta in tutti gli educatori e studenti". 109 C£ AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato e Stud.to, Fr General to Fr Commissary, Rome 15 No– vember 1925. 11 ° C£ APCapTusc, Missione lnriflstan, Mgr Bernacchioni to Fr Commissary, Florence 26 September 1925; in the letter of 16 July he had already forewarned the Commissary: "la questione di Mussoorie e un po' imbrogliato. Qui si dice che Mussoorie deve rimanere come sanitario pei Missionari e quindi deve essere sotto il Superiore Regolare".