
ESTABLISHMENT OF CAPUCHIN ORDER IN INDIA- II 537 his horns. Since no end seemed to be in sight for this trial of strength, the two sides finally agreed on a policy of non-belligerence. In order to circumvent the situations of confrontation, the Commissary and Fr Christopher together arrived at the pragmatic solution that the Director of the Study and the students would part company with the rest of the Fraternity. Though both groups would continue to live under the same roof, each would have its own separate servitors, kitchen and dining hall. What would now be needed to preclude all further frictions was to safeguard meticulously the parallelity. This clean division not– withstanding, a cold war atmosphere hung heavily in the House 105 • The fact that he was up against a fierce challenge did not deter the Commissary from ploughing his way through. The Meeting of the Regular Superiors held in February 1925 resolved to pursue the idea of starting a minor seminary in view of fostering vocations to the Order. The Archbishop of Agra came to their aid by permitting them to use for the same purpose the church and the palace in Tajpur, which the Rajah of Tajpur had constructed in 1913. "Tajpur had a salaried Priest and a house, and the Archbishop of Agra agreed to let V.R. Fr Commissary appoint a Father, who would draw the emolument and be the head of the School" 106 . But this scheme met with a premature end in the face of the stubborn opposition of some of the Fathers of Agra. At a time when passions were running high on account of the presence of the clerics in the Friary of Mussoorie and the loud bewailment over the Mission's loss of Sardhana for the Novitiate, the plan of placing one more house at the disposal of the Commissary just would not sell to them 1° 7 • Knowing that the General was back in Rome after his visit to Brazil, the Commissary despatched to him a lengthy update. Archbishop Kenealy had conferred the Minor Orders to two of the clerics. The Novitiate and the Study fosse considerato come quando gli Studenti Napolitani si trovavano in Toscana, doe sotto l'obbeclienza del Guardiano e del Sup. Regolare". 105 AGCap G 68, II, Noviziato e Stud.to, Fr Commissary to Fr General, Mussoorie 20 Feb– ruary 1926: "Frattanto continueremo a stare al Monastero di Mussoorie sino a che non trover– emo di meglio; e di comune privato accordo con il Superiore Regolare di Agra, abbiamo stabilito di separare ancora piu lo Studio dal restante della Famiglia con tenere il refettorio e cucina a parte; e cosf sara tolto ogni futile motivo di lamentarsi anche ai piu irragionevoli". 106 APCapTusc, Missione Indostan, "Minutes of meeting of Superiors Regular" of 10 Feb– ruary 1925, 31. 107 AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato eStud.to, Fr Commissary to Fr General, Mussoorie 18 May 1925: "... ma chi vede differentemente si e lasciato intromettere e per ora l'esecuzione di questo piano e impedita".