
532 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA Fidelis Gonsalves, Benedict Louis Leo and Francis D'Silva. These neo-professed friars were apportioned among the different :Missions: Lawrence, Leonard, Vin– cent and Bonaventure for Agra; Antony, Pascal, Joseph and Benedict for Lahore; Bernard and Raphael for Allahabad; Crispin for Simla; Francis for Bombay and Fidelis for Ajmer 91 • On 15 March 1923 Fr Symphorian of Paris (Prov. Paris) was made Vicar of the Fraternity. On 12 April Fr Oscar left Sardhan~ for Lahore and Fr Arsenius became the Vice Master on 4 May. On Fr Master's leaving for Belgium on 5 November 1923, Fr Arsenius took his place and Fr Arnold of Brugge became the Vice Master. Br Florentine of Booitshoeke joined the community on 3 May 1924 92 • 4. "Stucfy of Mussoorie" - treading a tightrope The annual assembly of the Regular Superiors held at Agra on 10 February 1925 was presented with the skeleton facts and figures regarding the Novitiate and the Study. The General Commissary reported that as a result of three years' work, there were now 6 students in Mussoorie, 4 in Philosophy and 2 in Theology, and one professed Cleric was waiting in Sardhana, being coached in Latin befo;e proceed– ing to Philosophy. Four Lay Brothers professed were working in their respective Missions, giving satisfaction, while one Cleric, who entered the Novitiate as a Dea– con, was already ordained Priest at Ajmer the 24th of last month, and is doing very good work in the school there. In the Novitiate there were one Cleric novice and one Lay Brother, and two postulants. By the end of the year it was hoped to have 7 or 8 more novices. During these three years 23 were admitted in the Novi– tiate, out of which number Professor Noronha and Br Seraphin died. Four were dismissed and one left of his own accord 93 • That the Capuchin Order was taking shape in the native soil of India, was doubtlessly an accomplished fact, but its existence was on a razor's edge. The 91 Cf. AGCap G 68, II, Novizjato e Stud.to, "Meeting of the Reg. Superiors of the Capu– chin Franciscan Order in India" (7 February 1924). For more information on these friars, see Adolph of Mattakara - Fortunatus of Korlai, A compilation ef sources far the history ef the Indian Capuchin Province ef the Immaculate Heart ef Mary, Coimbatore 1972, 103-106. 92 C£ APCapTusc, Missione Indastan, "Status Personalis Sardhana Novitiate". 93 APCapTusc, Missione Indastan, "Minutes of meeting of Superiors Regular'', 30.